Friday was an epically hard day. It involved a client getting poop all over the bathroom wall. I guess I should preface that statement with: I work with adults with disabilities. Anyway, that whole episode includes explosive diarrhea. Ugh...just reliving that afternoon makes me mad. There was a string of expletives mumbled under my breathe. There was a 5 minute time out in my boss' office, for myself, of course. There was a very upset custodian who had to clean up the mess that said client left behind. Then there was food at a Mongolian grill that night (which really wasn't worth the $14). Overall, the whole day was kind of a dozy. Although, the donut gelato creations that my roommate and I got that night after dinner were pretty fantastic.
Work has been getting emotionally harder as the weeks go by. I don't know if it's because the clients are getting more demanding or I just don't care anymore; either way, I generally don't look forward to going to work anymore.
In other news, I'm moving to Ogden. To live with my dad. Again. Packing is a pain the butt and I have no motivation to do any of it. In the past year, I have moved T H R E E times. I hate moving. I really do. The last time I moved, I swore to myself that I would not move for at least another year. I'm about 5 months short of that goal. I think the thing that bums me out the most is that I'm leaving at least one genuine friend. I have my co-workers who will miss me a little bit - mostly because I'm one of maybe a handful of people that actually shows up to work and actually works. Ugh...that's another thing that makes me a little frustrated at work and makes me mad to even really think about it. I digress.
Moving has always been pretty easy for me to do in my 20s. I was pretty good at putting up these walls and pushing people away. And lets be honest here for a minute: I was always better at leaving first - to avoid any hurt, of course - than I was at staying and working through things. I'd let people get close enough to get to know me a little bit, but not enough so they could hurt me. Throw in the fact that I'm an excellent listener, there isn't much of a chance to get to know me especially when most people I know are better at talking about themselves than anything else.
I am getting too deep here. I'll do a little emotional digging another time and maybe show a vulnerable side. Maybe.