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Book Report

So, remember when I told you guys that I was going to start reading autobiographies and biographies and the like? Well, I FINALLY finished this book. I had to renew it because I made the mistake of getting two Harlan Coben books and well, he's one of my most favorite mystery/suspense author's EVER. The Harlan Coben books were of course read in less than a week. I don't know how I did my homework. Good thing a lot of it is online and not due for a while...but still. I need to stop this habit of reading books when I should be doing my homework.

Anyhow, The Road to Woodstock was a pretty good read. Lots of history. I don't know if anyone who reads my blog is really into Jimmy Hendrix or anyone from that era, but it was really cool to get an insiders perspective on what went on. The organizing of Woodstock was a pretty big undertaking but in the end, the organizers just let everyone in regardless of if they had purchased a ticket or not. Did you know that? The organizers of Woodstock were planning on making some sort of profit from the people who were coming for the music but of course, with mass amount of people that showed up, it was basically impossible to make sure everyone purchased a ticket. They weren't expecting that many people to show up. Everyone was there for a reason. The drugs were part of the culture and maybe part of the reason why some people showed up for Woodstock, but there was such a huge meaning behind the unity of that massive group of people.

So, if you're a history buff or you just have a thing for Woodstock, I would recommend this book to you. Even if you're not a history buff and are totally in love with music from that era, read this book.

I promise you won't regret it!


Laura said…
I love that era! I have always been connected with the 60's. I may have to check this book out! did you get it from the school library?
Joyce said…
nope. I got it from the American Fork Library. But I'm pretty sure that if the AF library has it, the UVU library will definitely have it.
Leigh said…
It looks like a great read.
Thanks so much for your kind words about my blog. It's nice to know you!

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