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No time

It's been roughly 5 weeks since I last posted anything. Work and school have almost literally sucked the life out of me. My dad and I just got internet at the house, which does make things a lot easier. Even then...I really don't have time to do any real studying.

Here's a typical day for me:

7 a.m.
alarm goes off. try to wake up.
press snooze a couple of times.
wouldn't be human if i didn't, right?

7:15 a.m.
actually get out of bed

7:20 a.m.

7:30 a.m.
get dressed for work

7:40 a.m.
try to remember to:
fill my water bottle
grab a can of soup & crackers for lunch
grab CNA books & supplies
eat something on the way out the door
then curse myself for forgetting to grab my
smock and name tag. unlock/lock the front door, again.

7:45 a.m.
drive to work

8 a.m - 4 p.m

4 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
take coworker(s) home.

5 p.m. - 9 p.m.
CNA class

9:15 p.m.
change into pj's.
find something to eat.
read a chapter in CNA class
...or at least try to.
inevitably end up watching an episode of NCIS.

10:30 p.m.
go upstairs and prepare for bed.
read 1 more section in CNA book.
read scriptures.
brush teeth.
lay in bed.

11 p.m.
lay in bed wide awake...

sometime, after 11:30 p.m., fall asleep.

Yep...that's a pretty typical day for me. There isn't much space for me time. I have dropped quite a few little crafty hobbies. Ergo, in my pursuit of getting a little bit of me back, I bought a Canon ES something Rebel - manual SLR - body at the D.I. for 10 bucks. That, my friends, is a good bargain considering it's in decent running condition. I just need to get a tune up and a lens.
I also keep buying 75 cent paperback books on my lunch at the D.I. in my pursuit of me-ness.

Anyhow, I'm going to try and turn a new leaf over and be a little more organized and prioritize my time a little better. Which isn't easy because I think most everything I do and am responsible for is important and needs to be accomplished.
Maybe I need to be less rigid?

I [think] I am turning into a thrift store-aholic.

doesn't hurt that I work at the local Church endorsed thrift store either.
...and get 20% off.


Laura said…
I love that camera! Good find! Macey's develops film and puts it on a cd for you for around 4 bucks.... You can find good deals on film via amazon, ebay or just head to walmart!

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