So, I started school...again. I've completed my third week and I've already been absent F I V E times. Horrible, I know. I'm attending MATC - Mountainlands Applied Technology College - in Lehi by Thanksgiving Point. It takes me about an hour to get there on the bus. Anyway, I'm taking the Medical Assistant course, and so far, it's been a little stressful. The first two tests I took, I had to retake to get the program passing grade. If this were a regular university level course, I wouldn't have had to retake the tests. Well...I guess I would have had to anyway. The nursing program at UVU requires an 80% passing grade for the whole program. So why would this be any different?? My grade so far is an 82.5%. Not too shabby. Although, my attendance will be the undoing of all my studying.
The hardest thing, aside from all the medical terminology I have to memorize, is the fact that I'm still working graveyard shifts. If I had a different job, I think I'd have an easier time handling everything that is required of me. It's hard finding a job here in Utah County that pays more than minimum wage, will give me a consistent schedule, and is flexible with my early morning class schedule. I can't say that I've been looking incredibly hard for a new job but of all the job postings that I've looked into require a flexible schedule. I'm flexible after 10:30 am but HAVE to be off before 10 am considering I have to leave my apartment for the bus stop by 6:35 am and cannot function with less than 7 hours of sleep.
I probably need more of a schedule. It's hard for me to study at home because I get so distracted with other things that I need to take of. The little things that I had been doing before I started this course have gone by the wayside. Like exercising. I walk...and that's about it. I need someone to work out a schedule for me. One that will let me get eight hours of sleep, exercise for an hour and half, have a couple hours of study time and let me work a couple hours at a job that gives me more than 16 hours a week - but less than 30 - and pays more than $8 an hour....I'd be a happy camper. If that dream job allows for some study time during any given shift, I'd totally take that job.
Is that too much to ask for??
Other than that...not a whole lot is going on. The beginning of June, my school schedule will go Monday through Thursday 7:30 am - 10:30 am rather than the five day a week schedule I have going right now. I have a little break from school coming at the end of May. That week and half of no school is taking WAY too long to get here.
Here's to more sunny days and summer break...
The hardest thing, aside from all the medical terminology I have to memorize, is the fact that I'm still working graveyard shifts. If I had a different job, I think I'd have an easier time handling everything that is required of me. It's hard finding a job here in Utah County that pays more than minimum wage, will give me a consistent schedule, and is flexible with my early morning class schedule. I can't say that I've been looking incredibly hard for a new job but of all the job postings that I've looked into require a flexible schedule. I'm flexible after 10:30 am but HAVE to be off before 10 am considering I have to leave my apartment for the bus stop by 6:35 am and cannot function with less than 7 hours of sleep.
I probably need more of a schedule. It's hard for me to study at home because I get so distracted with other things that I need to take of. The little things that I had been doing before I started this course have gone by the wayside. Like exercising. I walk...and that's about it. I need someone to work out a schedule for me. One that will let me get eight hours of sleep, exercise for an hour and half, have a couple hours of study time and let me work a couple hours at a job that gives me more than 16 hours a week - but less than 30 - and pays more than $8 an hour....I'd be a happy camper. If that dream job allows for some study time during any given shift, I'd totally take that job.
Is that too much to ask for??
Other than that...not a whole lot is going on. The beginning of June, my school schedule will go Monday through Thursday 7:30 am - 10:30 am rather than the five day a week schedule I have going right now. I have a little break from school coming at the end of May. That week and half of no school is taking WAY too long to get here.
Here's to more sunny days and summer break...