So, this year was the Year of Expr ession. I did a lot of knitting and made up some recipes (artistic expression). I didn't write as much as I wanted to, but I did my fair share. I'm perpetually working on my book - isn't everyo ne though? - and getting no where near close to having a concrete outline. There's still a lot of ideas floating around in my head that are needing to be written down somewhere. I'm a feign for lists. Ask anyone. I'll re-write them over and over again to get them perfect and then I quickly fold the list up and put in my pocket or in my bag. Then it inevitably gets tattered and worn and unreadable. Anyway, I feel like I haven't expressed myself, heart and soul, in the ways that I wanted to. I have no problem expressing myself by way of word. I may be quiet in real life, but I do have something to say. My artistic expression could use some work. I really wanted to get into photography this year but the lack of funds and motivation just...