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Showing posts from December, 2010

Year of the Learner: a recap

So, at the beginning of the year, I named 2010 the Year of the Learner. I didn't really recap anything past the first couple months, well, because like most New Year's goals/resolutions, they kind of fall off the grid. But I promise you dear reader, I did learn a lot. I read a few biographies. Most were pretty fantastic, some were not so great. I absolutely loved reading about Amelia Earhart. She was freaking AMAZING! She is one of many famous people in history that I want to look up in heaven and ask her what happened in the end. I think, mostly, I've learned a lot about myself this year. I've relearned a lot of things too. So here is a quick recap of things that I've learned during the Year of the Learner! *People you hang out with definitely rub off on you. Whether it be good or bad. *Having stellar roommates to uplift and provide a solid examples of Temple going-fellowshipping-striving to be good people is definitely what I need in my life. This past summer, I h...

Christmas Recap

So Christmas was pretty fantastic. I slept over at my brother's house in American Fork and had Christmas Eve dinner there. Mexican style sans any cooking. We had homemade tamales that someone else made and posole that was mass produced somewhere in Mexico...or maybe California. For dessert, we had pan dulce. It was pretty great, laid back and delicioso. Christmas morn we all woke up around 8 am and opened presents. I didn't want much but I made off with pretty fantastic stuff. All the Santa presents my nieces and nephew got were wrapped in special Santa wrapping paper. It had yellow warning tape and postmarks printed on the paper. It was pretty clever wrapping paper if I do say so myself. Now I'm home and packing my stuff - again - to move to Ogden, Utah with my dad. I still have to call him and finalize a few things, but I'm moving. This is the third time I've moved this year, but it feels like it needs to be done. I need to get out of Utah County. And it's tim...

Feliz Navidad

Happy Christmas! Oh and happy Kwanzaa tomorrow? I don't remember. Although, Boxing Day is tomorrow, so happy Boxing Day to ya. I am very tired right now. Went to bed somewhere around 3am and woke up pretty promptly at 8am. Five hours of sleep just isn't enough for my brain to function correctly, but my nieces are happy. I'll probably be feasting on some Easy Bake confections later today after my older niece starts playing with her little oven. Santa brought a bunch of toys and little Princess guitar this morning. But he didn't leave without eating his slice of pizza and chocolate milk. Must have been a nice break from all those cookies... Anyway, I'm sleepy. I'm going to find somewhere quiet to lay down for a little while. Maybe...

Profoundly Rambling Thoughts

I'm here at my brother's house watching the kids. My usually sweet, adorable 1 year old nephew was a little stinker tonight so I figured that I'd give him a bath after I served the girls a scoop of ice cream. The screaming stopped for a little while...until I pulled the stopper from the drain. Screaming and general unhappiness ensued until I gave him his blanket and sat in the rocking chair. Unfortunately, or fortunately - however you want to look at the situation - the girls kept coming into the room thus not letting their little brother fall completely asleep. I was feeling cranky myself so I figured that I'd put him in his crib and just shut the door and walk away. Much to my surprise, there was no fight. No screaming. No crying. He just lay in his crib. Almost an hour later, after the girls finished their Curious George Christmas show on the TiVo , my sweet, adorable 1 year old nephew is still sound asleep. And so are my crazy little nieces. At least I'm hoping ...

Posting from the Wii

So, I've been thinking a lot about my life, as I usually do in the wee hours of the morn, and I feel like something is missing. [I only wish I had the patience to post via Wii. soooo tedious.] Anyhow, I'm going to ponder the things of the universe and hopefully dream in Technicolor with people who speak with accents...then I'll be back with profound thoughts.

Mucous and Stuff

So, I know I should be in bed right now. Seeing as it's 3am. But you know what? There is this little green monster - aka: mucous- residing in my chest, my nose. Mucous can come at such unfortunate times in life. Such as right now, when I'm supposed to be sleeping so I can get rid of this cold that has been hanging on for dear life for the past 3 weeks. And I guess a little bit of insomnia has decided to join me in my quest of getting rid of the cold from hell. Which, as its turned out, doesn't aid in exorcising colds. Anyway, at work today, I kept couching - as usual - and little bits of loogie would land on my computer screen. Thank heavens for Clorox wipes. But all this hacking and gagging got me to thinking about my current Utah situation. My cold wouldn't be as bad as it is now if I lived in California and I wouldn't have crappy 20 degree weather to complain about. Also, I think my seasonal depression wouldn't be nearly as bad. Oh, who am I kidding? I couldn...