So, at the beginning of the year, I named 2010 the Year of the Learner. I didn't really recap anything past the first couple months, well, because like most New Year's goals/resolutions, they kind of fall off the grid. But I promise you dear reader, I did learn a lot. I read a few biographies. Most were pretty fantastic, some were not so great. I absolutely loved reading about Amelia Earhart. She was freaking AMAZING! She is one of many famous people in history that I want to look up in heaven and ask her what happened in the end. I think, mostly, I've learned a lot about myself this year. I've relearned a lot of things too. So here is a quick recap of things that I've learned during the Year of the Learner! *People you hang out with definitely rub off on you. Whether it be good or bad. *Having stellar roommates to uplift and provide a solid examples of Temple going-fellowshipping-striving to be good people is definitely what I need in my life. This past summer, I h...