So, I know I should be in bed right now. Seeing as it's 3am.
But you know what?
There is this little green monster - aka: mucous- residing in my chest, my nose.
Mucous can come at such unfortunate times in life. Such as right now, when I'm supposed to
be sleeping so I can get rid of this cold that has been hanging on for dear life for the past
3 weeks. And I guess a little bit of insomnia has decided to join me in my quest of getting
rid of the cold from hell. Which, as its turned out, doesn't aid in exorcising colds.
Anyway, at work today, I kept couching - as usual - and little bits of loogie would land on my
computer screen. Thank heavens for Clorox wipes. But all this hacking and gagging got me to
thinking about my current Utah situation. My cold wouldn't be as bad as it is now if I lived
in California and I wouldn't have crappy 20 degree weather to complain about. Also, I think
my seasonal depression wouldn't be nearly as bad.
Oh, who am I kidding? I couldn't think of a million reasons to move back to California
and to get the heck outta dodge. Things may be a changin' in the near future.
At least that's what I'm hoping for anyway.