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Longest short week of my life

Work has been hell. I seriously have been going in early and leaving late. I guess it's the growing pains of moving warehouses and not having half your inventory in the same place. I think it's going to be that way for the next couple months. At least until after Christmas. The Christmas season rush is starting on Friday. It feels like it started Monday. I barely got through all of the order holds that were placed on Monday, today. Our UPS count usually drops during the week after Monday. It went up. Monday we had just over 1o0. Tuesday we had 155 and today we had 177. Most of the items were shipped through my shipping line. I. Am. So. Tired.

I slept in till the last possible moment this morning; pulled some jeans and socks on and left. I'm wearing the same shirt I did yesterday and the thing is, I really don't care right now. I want to sleep. But at the same time I don't want to get some much sleep that I feel gross or wake up at an ungodly hour.

Monday I went to go hang out with Jake. We were supposed to go to FHE after having our little chat, but by the time we noticed what time it was, we were an hour late. I don't claim to have known him all too well in the beginning, but now, I know why he isn't dating or why he's not too quick to wanting to start a least a little bit. In short: he has had a really rough life. Lots of tough shiz to live though. We understand each other on a whole different level that other people, if we explained what we've gone through, wouldn't understand at all. It's weird. The people we hang out with, we go to their houses and they have pictures up with them and their parents and siblings all smiles.

Anyway, enough about that. All I know is that I definitely don't like Jake like that anymore. I do like him. He's a great friend and he understands what's gone in my life better than anyone other than my family. But it's totally jaded him. He likes girls, he talks about going out on dates with girls in the ward but never does anything about it.

*sigh* Life is certainly interesting right now....




Sarah said…
Wow, Joyce, I didn't know about the two guys, I think you told me about Jake. So... how are things going with Blake? He sounds nice or is he out of the picture now? Can't wait to see you!

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