I don't usually publicly announce my religious affiliation on social media - or in real life - very often. I won't deny that I am LDS - or Mormon if I'm asked what church I go to or what religion I subscribe to. I'm one of those Mormon's who quietly live their religion. I may be Mormon, but I don't believe that every LGBTQ+ individual has a one way ticket to hell. There are people I love who are identify as something other than straight. I love them because they are my family, my people. I don't love them more or less because they are gay, lesbian, queer, or whatever. What they identify as doesn't matter to me. I also believe that medical marijuana is helpful in a lot of cases. Seizures. Cancer. Crohns. Glaucoma. Autism. Anyone with an end-stage, incurable, going to die anyway disease. Does that make me a bad Mormon? I don't think so. There are definitely people who are Mormon who are very strict and by the book in their observance of our shared faith. Sometimes they are the ones who scream the loudest and sometimes that's all the world can hear and assume that Mormons are all like that. We aren't. I'm not.
Anyway, I wanted to preface this announcement with that little tidbit. I never thought in a million years that I would be going to a Church run/affiliated university, but I am. I got accepted to BYU-Idaho this last week to be an online student. I'm not crazy enough to move to Rexburg, Idaho. I'd never survive the winters there. I'll be going into Public Health with an emphasis in health education and promotion. I'm not on the teaching track. After I'm done at BYU-I, I might get a masters in Public Health at George Washington University. Most careers in public health require a masters to move up the ladder. So here is to the next couple years of my life!