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Life Update

Remember when I used to update this blog more often than every 7 months? too. Every time I think I have something to say, I forget about to make any record of it. I'm pretty sure I Instagram more than I read any sort of blog. We live in a generation where if a blog doesn't have pictures or a vlog is too long or isn't interesting, then we move on to something else that feeds into our short attention spans. That's my problem anyway. I don't think my life is interesting enough to record. Sure, I have a paper journal; but even that has been neglected far longer than this poor blog.

Anyhow, I'm updating from a different location than the previous few blogs. I moved to Sandy a couple months ago after True Path closed. I had a warehouse job folding t-shirts, but I really didn't want to stay there long term. Then, I found a job in South Salt Lake at Columbus Community Center. I work with adults with disabilities in a day program. I like my job in spite of the fact that it can be emotionally and mentally draining. Most days are pretty good; some just aren't.  I've been at Columbus for 5 months; it feels longer than that most of the time.

Before moving to Sandy, I moved into a dinky little apartment near Downtown Salt Lake. It wasn't fancy or even the nicest of buildings, but rent was cheap and I wasn't planning on being home a ton anyway. Moving day came and I found out that the place had roaches and other bugs. The week I lived there, I didn't dare cook or unpack. I moved in with Felisa and her girlfriend for 3 weeks before finding Janae - my current roommate - and her place here in Sandy. Finding this place really was a godsend. Rent is a little more than I want to pay, but it's clean and the neighborhood is pretty safe and the commute to work is about the same as it was when I was downtown and at Felisa's.

Nate and Tanya had baby #5 on May 4th. They named her Faye. Phil and Heather moved to Pleasant Grove, UT. I think they'll be staying a while. Stephen and Shauna live in Modesto, CA. Stephen got a job with the City Planner to help make the city more walk-able. They'll be there a while. Felisa moved in with Skye in August near Liberty Park. Adam broke his collar bone almost 2 months ago playing football with his friends.

So...yeah. That's all that's been going on. I did go to Jon Eric's wedding in October in Berkeley and stayed at Stephen's new place for a night. Then I drove down to Clovis to go to the cemetery and stayed at Nani's. It was weird being back after not being there for over a decade.

Anyway, I'm trying to live life a little more authentically. It's hard because that means that I have to be more emotionally vulnerable and that's really hard for me. I hate being exposed in that sense the fact that if I am left that way, I don't want to be hurt. No one wants to be hurt, but people who live with their hearts on their sleeves seem to have the kind of relationships that I envy.

I'm getting deep here, so maybe that'll be another blog for another day. But one goal that'll definitely be on the New Year's goal list is to be more emotionally authentic and not hold back my emotions when it's warranted. I am still an introvert; and introverts by most definitions are definitely a little more reserved.

Okay. Until next time.


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