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Curse My Slacker Tendencies!

So...hey. I haven't been here in a while. Actually, I come to my blog every day; I either have a lot on my mind and have no way to make sense of it enough so it doesn't look like I just came to dump my ideas/nonsense/actual thoughts; or I really haven't been doing much. Most of the time it's the latter.

Anyhow, 2014 has ended. It ended two weeks ago. Duh. Here's a quick recap of my 2014:

Got a hair cut.
Ankle strengthening exercises.
Hospital bills.

Paid off some hospital bills with tax refund.
Bought expensive running shoes...and clothes with tax refund.
More ankle strengthening exercises.
Costco card!

Orthopedic surgeon bill.
More ankle strengthening exercises.

My birthday.
Walking around like a champ by now.

Beginning of my summer of 2 jobs.
End of any limited free time.

Hardly any time off.
Slowly paying off the ER bill that I forgot to pay off in February.
Hear about supervisor position opening at grave shift job. Interested.

House sitting for my brother
Get hair did by a real professional outside of Fantastic Sam's.
Interview with Program Director for grave shift supervisor position.
Got the job the same day!
Put in 2 weeks notice at 2nd job.
Supervisor training.
Brain turns to mush from amount of information I have to absorb.
Hold first interviews to replace the spot I left as a part time employee.

First real shifts as supervisor and full time employee.
More grey hairs.
More interviews.

More grey hair.

Seemingly calm month.
Hair cut.

Just kidding.
More interviews.

Have an employee put her 2 weeks notice in and then have her husband call to say she isn't going to finish the 2 weeks notice.
Interviews. Interviews. Interviews
Realization: People are flaky. Even if you give them a job, they won't show up to start the paperwork.
Got about 30 hours of overtime for the month.
Lots of grey hairs.
Finally had to dye my hair to cover the grey and to get rid of the ombre I got in July.

I'm hoping 2015 won't be near as stressful. So far, it's been a quiet month. I have interviews to do and at least 1 more person to hire this month. I really hate the interviewing process. Mostly because I'm the one having to ask the important questions and go with gut about the people I interview. I got lucky with my first interview as the supervisor.

Anyway, I don't have any real goals for the year, yet. I've been seeing how long I'll make it as an every day bed maker. So far, so good. Although, I did miss the first 2 or 3 days of the year mostly because I was either in bed sleeping or not at home. Also, I'm saving $200 a month till July or August to put a down payment on a newer car. I've been pretty happy without having to make a car payment every month, but lets face it, an independent woman in her 30's - who doesn't live in Manhattan or other such cities - needs a car. I can't really do my Costco shopping without a vehicle. What else am I doing? Oh, yeah. Flossing is one of those healthy choices I'm actively making every night (or morning) before going to bed. It's amazing - and I should have been doing this on the regular - how flossing affects what's going on in your mouth.

So, making my bed, flossing every day, and padding my savings account. Sounds pretty adult to me. I think I woke up one day, just before the new year, and thought, "You're adult. You should probably start doing more adult things." Or at least something to that effect. I feel like I've been avoiding calling myself an adult out loud just for the sake of extending that carefree, nothing weighing me down attitude I had in my 20s. As much fun as I had in my 20s, I finally feel ready to be that "boring" 30 something year old that I dreaded. Although, having a good job and a steady income has allowed me to do the fun things that I dreamed of doing in my 20s.

I guess I just upgraded my attitude on life.


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