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Venturing Outside

So, I got the okay to start walking on my foot again. This is amazing news! Although, I think I'm a lot slower now that I'm walking than when I was solely using my crutches. My shoulders are relieved by the news to say the least. Thursday after my appointment at the Diabetes Management Clinic, my sister in law, nephew and I went to the library. The walk from the car to the clinic and back should have done me in. But I was feeling good. I've lost 30 pounds in the last six weeks. I figured I might as well get some exercise in and burn a few more calories. Yikes...let me tell you, when you're not mobile and are using only crutches to get around, you have no idea what kind of muscles are involved in using such contraptions.

Anyhow, I'm pretty excited to start walking again and a little nervous for what that means. Lots more discomfort from working muscles in my messed up ankle and the fact that I have no idea how well I'm going to be able to get around in the next couple of weeks. I'm mostly nervous because of work. Once I'm inside the facility, I should be okay. It's the getting inside and walking around outside the facility that makes me nervous. Crutches and gravel don't really mix. Thankfully, though, my supervisor and Program Director have been super awesome working with me while I've been incapacitated. I'm pretty lucky to have good people in my life.

Speaking of good people, my visiting teacher is picking me up to go to Stake Conference tonight. At least to the Saturday evening session. I don't know if I'll be up for going tomorrow morning. I haven't had to be around a lot of people these past couple of weeks so the thought of having to be around a ton of people makes me a little anxious. I think if I'm able to sit next to the door or have an aisle seat, I'll be good. My ward has been pretty awesome. The EQ President was pretty fast to respond and ask if I wanted a blessing after I landed myself in the hospital. The RS President has kept in contact with me throughout this whole ordeal. My Bishop has been awesome. It's the small tender mercies that make me so grateful for the church in my life. I'm lucky to have such good support in people that I don't really know. It gives me hope for something better.

Anyway, life has been looking up. Now that I've been more mobile, I'm feeling a little more hopeful. A little anxious, but hopeful.


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