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Mind = Boggled

Whenever I work the graveyard shift on Saturdays, by the time Monday comes around, I feel like I've worked five days in a row of straight graveyard shifts. I don't sleep on Sunday until the evening and then I wake up at 5:30 am on Monday. At this point, my toes are edging on exhausted. It doesn't help that I have a whole week ahead of me to accomplish stuff.


Anyway, I've spent sometime outside today. The sun is shining, and even if it's a little bit chilly, I love that the sun is making a more consistent appearance. My cheeks are a little more rosy which makes the bags under my eyes even more apparent, but at this moment, I don't care. If the sun weren't in the perfect spot to shine in my eyes while I sit at my desk, I'd have my blinds open. But I'll settle for half opened blinds with my sliding glass door wide open.

My birthday is in a few days. I doubt that anyone will really remember it if it weren't for the fact that my birthday is listed on Facebook. Whatever. I don't care. Actually, I do. In fact, I'm sure that the people that have been in my life the longest - aside from my family - won't even notice. It'll just be another day to them. Which, in all reality, it really is just another day for them. Still, knowing that you are being thought about on your day of birth by people whom you have passed by - and maybe lingered with for a while - in your journey through just feels good that you are being thought of, regardless.

I can't believe that I'm approaching my mid-thirties. I feel like I haven't really done anything with my life really. There's SO much that I want to do with my life that I thought I would have done by now. Maybe I should start on my bucket list for my thirties? I should. I'll have to break out my paper journal and write out a list or something. Or maybe I'll just make another blog for my bucket list? Good idea?? idk I'm just regurgitating thoughts as they come.

Anyhow, I am fast approaching my mid thirties and it scares me just a little bit. Thank goodness my internal biological clock isn't ticking. I don't think I could handle having babies right now. But wouldn't that be an interesting turn of events? Did you ever read those pick your own adventure books when you were a kid? I'd like to see how my life would have changed if I had taken that road towards marriage and kids.

Oh, slay me sometimes.


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