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New Goal

So, I just found this cool journaling prompt on Pinterest and I want to give it a shot. I don't know if I'm going to actually do this every single day. I might just condense it into a weekly thing. Anyway, I'm going to start with January 1 till today and then go from there.

January 1, 2013

What is your number one goal this year?
Well...I have a few goals that always make the list. Just like the rest of America, I want to lose weight and get healthy this year. But now that I have the motivation and the means to spend a little bit more on healthier food options, I'm going to do this. When it comes to money, why is it that people always become a little more invested in things? idk...anyway. That isn't my number one goal. Well, maybe it is. I left my list at home so I don't remember what actually made the numero uno spot. I'll keep you updated.

January 2, 2013

What are you most grateful for?
Today, I am most grateful for a warm bedroom to go home to. Especially on cold frigid mornings like this. As I type this, it is -4 degrees. Overall though, I'm grateful for the experiences I've had in the year 2012. Not all of them were good. I don't want a repeat on a few experiences. But I did a lot of self-introspection this past year. I'm hoping it'll bring a bit more focus in my life.

January 3, 2013

Are you content?
Uhm...right now? Right this very moment? Eh. I'd rather be in bed right now. My tummy is full so I'm content that way. There's so much in my life that I need to figure out before I add another year to my life. I need to find contentment in the present that's for sure.

January 4, 2013

What is your best memory last year?
One of my favorites is going to Seaside, Oregon in January last year. I had just applied to Goodwill and had an interview set up for that Friday. I had spent the whole month of December kicking myself in the pants for not being more prepared for life to drop out the bottom of my basket. Anyway, my roommates and I went to Seaside to lift our spirits a bit. It was actually not raining and it was actually warm that day. It was a real treat and I eventually got that job at Goodwill. It's definitely a happy memory.


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