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Catch Up

Here's my weekly update on my journal goal this year:

January 5th: What was your last major accomplishment?
I'm all for small victories. The last major one was finding a job outside of the retail world. It's been a nice break not having to deal with customers.

January 6th: What is one possession you could not live without?
My laptop...and my phone. I don't think I'd be able to live without Instagram.

January 7th: Can people change?
I think if they really want the change, they can. Maintenance of said change is hard though. But I think if you've invested your whole self in the change that you want, then it's possible to achieve and then maintain. For me, I need a good support system to even achieve change. Maintenance has always been pretty easy for me if I've worked hard enough for what I want.

January 8th: What is the last "good" you ate?
Taste wise? The beginning of the month I went to Tucanos. It was really, really, really yummy. Health wise? I've been working on that this week. On Monday I try to go meatless; the rest of the week is less fatty foods and no sugar. No soda or sugary drinks and no candy or sweets in general. Saturday and Sunday I'm allowing myself to have a few sweets just so I do feel so deprived. I'll hopefully fade refined sugars to a few times a month.

January 9th: What is your current favorite snack?
As of late, I've been snacking on oranges and avocados. But I've been wanting to snack on Spicey Nacho Dorritos.

January 10th: What made you smile today?
My niece, C and my nephew R. Any time spent with any of my brother's progeny is a good reason to smile.

January 11th: What is your favorite accessory?
I'm not really a wearer of jewelry. In fact, the earring hole in my right ear has closed due the lack of not wearing earrings. I'll hopefully be fixing that in the near future. Random fact: ear piercing at Claire's or WalMart has jumped like 20 bucks in the past decade. How crazy is that? Anyway, if both my ears were equally pierced, I'd wear earrings more often.

January 12: What is making you mad?
Well, the next door neighbor I share bedroom walls with, likes to boost her bass on her sound system way up on Saturday nights. I couldn't take a nap before work tonight because of the ridiculousness of her music and excessive bass. To top that off with a proverbial cherry, my roommate was laughing her ridiculously annoying laugh tonight.

January 13: What did you have for dinner today?
Considering I'm still at work and it's 5:30 AM, I'm not even thinking about dinner right now. I have a turkey sammy planned though. Turkey, avocado, pepper jack cheese, tomato, a sprinkle of nutritional yeast flakes and a handful of tortilla chips with a side of water.


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