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I Can't Make You Love Me

Oh, Bonnie Raitt, I love you. 


I am sitting in my temporary bedroom right now. And let me tell you, after sleeping on an
air bed for the past 7 months, it feels so completely AMAZING to be sleeping on a real bed. Completely and utterly amazing. I got the most restful sleep last night of my whole stay here in Oregon. Amazingly enough, I got up after eight hours of sleep without wanting to pick up a coffee or energy drinking habit. I felt wonderful! Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but I did sleep really well last night and my body wasn't hating me today at work. So I call this real bed sleeping thing a total success. 

Also, in the past 24 hours, I've come to know how much I've missed not having a kitchen table and someone to talk to over a bowl of stew and bread and homemade jam without the television blaring in the background. It reminded me of my mom. Which makes me smile and want to cry at the same time. It feels so nice to be sitting here in my temporary room knowing that this home is somewhere the Spirit resides. I know that that is what has been missing from my life these past couple of months. 

Blessings in disguise abound. Actually, blessings are almost always right in front of your nose if you're willing to just open your eyes and look past nose. They're there waiting for you to be open to them. A sign of spiritual maturity - maturity in general, I believe - is being able to recognize those blessings and then practicing gratitude. President Hinckley taught a lot about being grateful. It takes practice. Sometimes you have to be grateful for blessings that don't feel like blessings. Sometimes it's so easy to offer up thanks. Sometimes you just become lazy. That's where I've been for the past 7 months. Practicing what I've been taught and what I know to be true has been on the back burner. Not that I've gone off the deep end or anything; it just got so easy to not go to church every week when I've had to be at work. Satan is sneaky like that; which always makes hindsight 20/20. 

And let me tell you, hindsight almost ALWAYS sucks. 


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