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Then It Was June...

The past six months have gone by so fast! I've done things that I've sworn I wouldn't do. I've been jobless. I've never been so sick of rain. I thought that I would never in a million years miss snow, but I kind of do. I haven't missed my family this much in a long time either.

I often sit on my balcony and think about all this changing I've been doing. Some of it hasn't been so great and I've done a u-turn, so to speak, to become a better person. On a nice day, this is what I get to enjoy.

The clouds are usually more orange from the sun shining through them. Then they turn blue and purple and then, more often than not, the change makes me miss home. That's another thing that I thought would never happen in a million years. I miss home. Utah = home. As beautifully green as Oregon is, I miss the desert. How weird. I lived in Utah for over eight years and never in those years did I really consider Utah to be home. I guess it was home in the sense that that it was where my family was. So for me, my heart - or my family - wherever they are, that will always be home for me. I'm becoming a homebody more and more as I get older. I still dream of going to all these faraway places, but coming home makes me happy.

Anyway, lots of changes in the past six months. I really can't believe that the year is pretty much half done. Soon, it'll be fall and another rainy season will start...again. Summer hasn't really even started yet. I keep hearing that Oregon really only gets like a month of summer every year. As in it gets hot. I guess I can't complain a whole lot about that. The up side of spending the summer here is that it doesn't completely get dark till like 10 PM; which is really awesome. More reason to play outside.


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