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A Whole Month

So, obviously - or not - I haven't posted anything in the last month. Mostly, because a certain laptop decided to take a nosedive into oblivion. I feel like this month sabbatical from the internet was good for me. I really didn't get more done, necessarily, but I wasn't staying up late playing games on Facebook or lurking through blogs of people I don't know. I do, however, feel like I missed out on a lot. You know, like little tidbits of people's lives and whatnot. But it's okay. I got my Federal tax refund today and I will be - finally - purchasing a laptop. So, I guess that month off from all things internet will be in vain. Maybe. I don't know.

Anyway, enough of the not even close to connecting ideas/sentences.

I don't know if I posted in my last post that I got a job. I did. I've been working 40 hours a week for what feels like very little money. Although, I can't complain a whole lot, it is a job. Bottom line, I get paid. Not a whole lot, but I do get paid. The first week I was with GICW - Goodwill International of the Colombia-Willamette (just in case you wanted to know) - I worked roughly 45 hours I worked nine days straight with no break in between. I don't think I've ever worked that much in my whole life. Well, I have, but I was sitting and not really thinking the whole time. Anyway, it was a rough first two weeks. Things have since evened out. We're still pretty busy for a new-ish store, but that's good for business and for my paycheck. Initially, I had thought that I was only going to be working 24 hours a week because that's what my store manager had written down but I've been at 40 hours a week from the beginning. So, yay money!

Hm...not a whole lot has been happening other than work. I feel like that's all I do now. Work, sleep and eat. Even on my days off, I'd almost rather sleep and watch t.v. than go out and do something something fun with my time off. I guess having opposite working schedules from the one friend I actually want to hang out with doesn't do any good. Maybe I need to make friends outside of work? Probably a good idea...

Okay, so my life is pretty boring. I'd post about the place I live, except one of my main complaints is hanging around in the computer lab waiting to pounce on the computer I'm on when I leave.



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