Someone just pinch me! The weather here in Portland is absolutely GORGEOUS today. Yesterday the morning was fantastic, but the clouds inevitably rolled in. It actually hasn't rained for 2 whole days which is pretty fantastic. I'm currently sitting here in my living room with my windows open. It's almost time to completely air out the winter blues and let spring and summer overtake my soul.
There's a passage in a book that I love that explains my feelings about this.
"Now May had gone and June had arrived bringing bright long evenings and the beautiful mornings that came with them. And with these bright sunny days, June brought clarity. There was no more hiding indoors as soon as it got dark and there were no lie-ins until the afternoon. It seemed the whole of Ireland had come out of hibernation and suddenly started living again. It was time to open all the windows and air out the house, to free it of the ghosts of the winter and the dark days, it was time to get up early with the songbirds and go for a walk and look people in the eye and say hello instead of hiding under layers of clothes with eyes to the ground while running from destination to destination and ignoring the world. It was time to stop hiding in the dark and to hold your head up high and come face to face with the truth." (P.S. I Love You)