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Middle of My Dreams

I'm sitting here on my comfy thrift store couch trying to organize my thoughts for this post, but I'm at an epic fail right now. So, if my thoughts are a little all over the place, just be warned that it is 2:45 AM and I haven't been to bed.

Anyway, I got a job at Goodwill last week. I am pretty stoked. Except at this moment, I'm a little stressed out about it for a couple of reasons. My sister ended our contracts with AT&T and switched to Sprint. Except, I didn't know she was going to do that and the store manager was supposed to call me that day to let me know if I passed my drug test and background check - which I did, by the way (duh). So, much to my chagrin, I was unreachable to everyone in the known universe. The store manager finally emailed me today to tell me to call him to find about orientation and training and paperwork and all that fun new job stuff. I didn't get the email till almost midnight though. Almost 10 hours after he had sent the email. So, if orientation/training starts tomorrow, I'm a little SOL. Mostly because my training/orientation is at the Portland headquarters. Mostly, if my calculations are correct, the place I'm supposed to go to is a train and bus ride away which is approximately an hour and little bit. Which is a problem because I don't have money for the bus nor do I have an umbrella to shield me from the impending rain that is supposed to be here for the next week...or forever. *sigh* I'm trying not to freak myself out at this point because if my training does start tomorrow, then I just have to bite the bullet and go and be late. So yeah. Quite the predicament. The umbrella thing I can probably get away with buying. Maybe. *breathe in* *breathe out* Trying not to stress myself out...


Other than that little stressful anxiety filled predicament, life is going okay. Although, my roommate, Kim, is going through a mono flare up right now. She's lost her voice and feels pretty gross at the moment which leaves me no time to use her laptop to check my email - hence the LATE retrieval of important messages from hopeful bosses - and no time to see if my sister is actually going to send me a new phone. I am having a definite love/hate relationship with technology right now. Being without REALLY sucks. How did I ever live without a cell phone before??

In other news, I've finally decided to at least go to some YSA activities. I hate not being social...well, I hate not having the option to be social and not having friends outside of my apartment. I'm glad that work will provide a few friends in the outside but who knows what kind of people I'll be working with. I'm sure I'll have a few friends that I'll be able to do things with, but I'd rather not be stuck being the designated driver all the time.

So, yeah. It's almost 5 AM and I'll be able to call my *still* hopeful boss and explain the situation. I'll write him a quick email before I pass out from weariness. It'd sure make me feel better. I'm just hoping that he'll send me the information via email rather than having to call him because that would require waking Kim up and asking to use her phone. *bleh* Maybe I'll do both?



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