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What the...

Where did October go? I coulda sworn it just started and now I'm down to 19 days left at work and 33 days left before I move. I also could have worked a little bit longer instead of having a whole week to just stress myself out...needlessly. But those seven days will be wonderful
to have to spend with my family and friends and just tie up the loose strings.

I've been a nervous ball of stress trying to get apartment paperwork done and transfer stuff done and resume/cover letter/reference pages done and this done and that done and...


the list could go on forever!

If the paperwork could just magically do itself, I'd be okay because then I could get down
to business and clean out my closet. Throw away stuff/paperwork/knickknacks I don't
want/need. In the 7 1/2 months I've worked at the DI, I've accumulated stuff I didn't
even need. At least I'll be getting more of a charitable donation write off for my taxes.

Mostly, I think I just make myself stressed out. Even when I have a week before I actually move to do what I need to do, I just make up this stressful situation in my head and have to get all done before then. It's really unreasonable. I'm sure I'll get the stuff done; I really just want it all to be done now without having to think about it.

The money thing I've gotten over. The transfer is being handled by someone else, so I really don't have to worry about not having a job when I move. Thank goodness. That was one of the bigger stresses about this whole moving thing. Aside from finding a place to live while not actually living in that state. But it happened. I am slightly worried about paying for gas for our drive up there, but with the way gas prices have been going, things should be okay.

I'm grateful that I didn't have to do it on my own. I'm pretty confident that it wouldn't have happened so quickly if I was doing this on my own. Yay for support!

Anyway, take a little gander at my new home.

We have a balcony/patio. I'm excited! Everything is coming to fruition and I'm just gobsmacked every time I think that it's actually really happening. Beaverton will provide the adventure AND change that I've been needing for quite a while.

I love some aspects of Utah. I mean, it has been home for almost eight and half years. And I've made a lot of friends along the way. I'll DEFINITELY miss my nieces and my nephew and the rest of my family.

*thank goodness for modern communication.*

The only situation I'm really worried about after I leave is my dad and little brother. I don't want to have to come back to a hot mess again. I guess if that's if I decide to move back. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Anyway, life is moving on. I'm excited. I'm ready for change. I'm ready to move on and do something with myself. Also, I've also decided that I want to be a teacher on a military base and work for the Department of Defense. Free travel. Awesome benefits. Don't have to pay my student loans back. New experiences. Ha, I just hope that I'll be sent to a peaceful country.

Hooray for change!


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