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Good Bye November...

The last time I posted, I was complaining that October had gone by too quickly. It's been a couple crazy weeks of worrying and stressing myself out and not getting on the internet via an actual computer. November is nearly over and I have approximately 10 days left of living in the State of Utah. I'm still a little stressed out about the money stuff and the packing thing, but I think I'll be okay if I just get the packing done and not think about the money stuff.

Anyway, my last day at work was a little bittersweet. I wasn't expecting to miss my Harrisville peeps so much, but it's starting to weigh on me a little bit. There are a few select people that I will miss but on the whole, I got the email addresses and looked up the people I wanted to keep in contact with on Facebook. It's a little weird that I didn't have to wake up today and go to work. My internal clock went off early but when I realized that I didn't have to get dressed or brush my hair if I didn't want to, I went straight back to bed.

As for Thanksgiving, my younger brother and his wife and my sister came up from Salt Lake for dinner. We had sushi, tempura and a few traditional things as well. We were all definitely stuffed by the end of the night. My oldest brother and his family stopped by before heading home to Rexburg. All in all, it was a good night.

Well, I don't know if I'll be able to post again while I'm still in Utah. Hopefully once I get up to Oregon, I'll know more of what I'm doing with myself.



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