It makes me nervous that my land lady is piddling outside with the sprinklers. Don't get me wrong. She's a great land lady. Waaaaaay better than the butt head I had before moving to Ogden. She's generally nice, but still. She's intimidating. She all business. And when she's here doing maintenance on her little Monopoly strip of 14th St. (she basically owns like a whole city block of apartments and townhouses), I just want to run away for some reason.
I've noticed there's been a TON of flies. Everywhere. At work. In my house. On the bus. EVERYWHERE. It's so annoying. I know it's because fall is quickly approaching and it's almost time for the dang things to lay eggs for spring. Still. I want to kill every last one of them. Send them to fly...hell? Heaven? idk. Where do flies go after they die?
I'd almost bet that they'd go to hell.
I went to Antelope Island on Monday with my brother and sister-in-law and their girls and my dad. It wasn't really what I expected. I was expecting more greenery. There wasn't. I was expecting more antelope. We saw ONE. There were, however, a TON of bison. Or buffalo. I'm not really sure what the difference is...if there is one to be had. Also, seeing as it's floating out in the Great Salt Lake, it smelled. Like yucky ocean water puddling under a beach pier. My brother likened the smell to the Santa Monica Pier. So, if you've been there, you know what I'm talking about. The smell was just overpowering and gross. There was no pleasant ocean smell to be smelled.
And that's the last time I'm going to use smell...for a while anyway.
Other than that, work and life have been pretty alright. My new job coach started this last Saturday. I'm just waiting for her to feel not so overwhelmed and settle in. I think that there are cashiers that won't be so happy about her being here. I can name 2 just off the top of my head. With that being said, I really like her. I mean, I haven't really been able to get to know her know her all too well, but I really think that I'm going to like her for the time I have left at the DI.
Oh yeah...
and only SEVEN MORE WEEKS till I move! woot!