So, I find myself awake at 1:00 in the am wondering why in heck I'm still awake when I have to be up and dressed for work by 7:30 am. First, it all started with finishing my laundry late. Then, I went to WinCo to buy a few groceries so I can eat lunch this week. Now, in my attempt to go to bed and keep my eyes shut, I came downstairs to drink a little water.
Instead, I cracked open a Cherry Coke. Why you ask?
Well, I was feeling little stomach ache-y and flat Coke usually does the trick. Now, I'm just awake. Eating some of these.

Horrible, I tell you. And yes, they are all tangerine flavored. Well, my favorite one right now
is the tangerine flavored Jelly Belly...and the rambling wants to continue, but
...fight it...
Ugh...okay. I am going to down some water to dilute the mass amount of sugar I've
inhaled in the past hour.
....hopefully I'll sleep tonight.