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oh boy...

It's been 2 months since I last posted or read anything blog related. It's kind of overwhelming to see how many blogs I have to catch up on. And forget about Facebook. I had almost 100 game requests and after about 2 seconds of accepting requests, I got overwhelmed by the sheer volume. I can't say that I've missed playing those stupid games, so maybe it's time to cut myself off and ban myself from playing those Sim based games for the next forever.

Anyway, in the past 2 months, I've moved. I've applied for jobs. I've consistently cleaned my bathroom every week. I've met people. Including a very cute cowboy from Idaho. I've also found myself in charge of driving my dad to Malad City, Idaho and picking him up in Logan, Utah every other week when he works in the natural gas fields in Wyoming. That's how I met the Idaho Cowboy. He's my dad's ride to Wyoming.

Other than that, I haven't been doing a whole lot. Just a lot of walking around Ogden. I finally got a library card and since I don't have internet at home, the library has become my best friend. However, this is the first time I've gotten on the internet, on a real computer, in almost 2 months! I've been checking my email and Facebook on my phone, but somehow, having a real life keyboard where I can use all ten fingers to type instead of my thumbs is somehow more gratifying to me this time around. Weird, right?

I've also come to the conclusion that the people of Ogden, the ones who are the library the same time as I am, are weird. I mean, if I were in Utah County at any given library, people wouldn't be looking my screen to see what I was doing. Or just looking me, period. Makes me a little uncomfortable. Or maybe it's just my peripheral vision that's wiggin' me out. idk.

I digress.

So, there isn't much to update my blog about. My life has come to a sudden halt and I find myself increasingly bored and so I clean. Or watch old reruns of the Andy Griffth Show. The Year of Expression is coming along. I've been cooking a lot as well. Writing a lot in my journal and reading a lot about famous people. Well, mostly about famous photographers. I find myself drawn to the nature photographer as well as the social photographer. Social photographer = something you'd find in National Geographic. At least the people pictures. Like little African kids or little Asian kids. The nature and people photographs intrigue me. Mostly the people photos.

Anyway, I'm starting to babble and my time is running out. Although, the computer has automatically reset itself for 5 minutes more about three times already.

okay. I guess it's time to get back to real life and do my laundry.

my life is so. exciting. : /


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