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I'm having a hard time remembering that quote by Elder Wirthlin. It goes "something something something. But Sunday will come." Anyway, the past couple days has left me waiting for my Sunday to come. It's been a difficult week; it's left me wondering what else Heavenly Father intends for me to do. My Sunday did come, though. I left yesterday morning to drop off my dad in some little town in Idaho to catch his ride. It wasn't the usual spot so the ride took an extra hour of driving leaving me to take the long way home. We drove through Logan Canyon and drove right past Bear Lake. I've heard so much about the little lake town that I thought I knew what to expect. I didn't. The lake itself is HUGE. I knew it spanned two states, but seriously, how big can a lake be? Anyway, I dozed for a while because the night before I was up late racking my brain for solutions to a few predicaments my dad and I found ourselves in. Money had literally ran out and our food was only going to last another day or two.

We finally got to where we needed to be so my dad could catch his ride to Wyoming for the week. I gained a friend and had a wonky windshield wiper screw tightened for my ride home. The three hours of driving with intermittent radio signal let me think and sort through what I've experienced the past week. I've come to the conclusion that if you're putting your trust in God (Buddha, the Virgin Mary etc. depending on your religious preference), things do work out. I'm celebrating my version of Lent this year. Essentially, I've picked a commandment (scripture study and daily prayers) that was hard for me to do on a daily basis that I had fallen out of routine in doing. In just a week, I can already see and feel the difference. My heart is bursting with gratitude for a Heavenly Father that is aware of the things that I'm having a hard time with. There is still no money, but other things have been taken care of.

The friendship that was waiting to blossom with my dad's weekly ride, bloomed at just the right time. I don't know what's going to happen after my dad quits this job for the local job he's been trying to get. But for just a moment, the friendship I have with this guy was exactly what I needed yesterday.

Today, I'm just grateful. Grateful for the good people in my life.


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