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I can do hard things

School has started. I love that on the first day of class it smells of freshly mowed grass and that the buildings smell clean. The Woodbury has gotten its face-lift and parts of campus have gotten a little lift as well. I think it's weird that the incoming freshmen, the ones right out of high school, are so small. I don't whenever you drive past the MTC and the missionaries are, they all look small.

Anyhow, I've gone to all my classes and my professors, I think, will all be pretty cool. Although, I'm not terribly excited about my math class. I already missed the second day of class. I had one of those mornings where you intend to wake up and get to class on time, but totally turned off my alarm clock unconsciously turned off my alarm clock. Well, I guess I'd have to be a quarter lucid to reach over and turn it off, but I have absolutely no recollection of ever moving my arm to do so.

Let me tell you, it's been a long week of not getting enough sleep. And you'd think that your roommate's almost boyfriend and she wouldn't stay up so late since he's got work at the butt-crack of dawn and school at 8:30am on alternating days, but whadaknow...being twitterpated does funny things to your brain.
It's a proven fact. Believe me.

Also, waiting for your pell grant money and gov't loan money to find its way into your bank account does weird things to you. I've been needing to buy my books and supplies but being that the school doesn't believe in releasing your monies till the first week of school kind of screws you over. Yeah, I know I probably should have been slightly more prepared and saved up money to buy at least a few of my more important books, but I didn't. I'm a procrastinator at heart, through and through. Plus, it wouldn't feel like school if there wasn't a little bit of stress the first week.

On the top of my list of things to purchase - aside from my textbooks of course! - are some glasses. I bought some last fall, but totally lost them. I usually don't lose things that quickly. I'm kind of digging these right now
They look pretty much the same as the ones I bought last fall. I'll just have see what America's Best has available or maybe I'll join the whatever-deal-they're-having club at WalMart. Either way, as long as I can see the whiteboard from the back of the room, I'll call it good.

Anyhow, I'm totally ready for a relaxing weekend. I'm moving back to Provo next weekend. Thanks be the heavens! I'll be 20 minutes closer to school via the bus and I'll have time to actually study and do my papers. The best part is, I'll be closer to the friends that I actually hang out with.



Malaina said…
You are so funny! I love the word "twitterpated." It sounds like school is going to be great- good luck with your second week!
Annie said…
Rachel introduced to me to the website Go to it--they have awesome glasses for way cheap! Good luck with school!

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