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Hives and BBQ's

So, this morning as I was trying to store up the few of hours of sleep I had left before work this morning, I realized, about two hours into my "nap", my stomach was crazy itchy. Kind of like a million ants had climbed into my room in the wee hours of the morning, chomped on my abdomen and left. Naturally, I start itching and itching while I was intermittently trying to just sleep as much I could. I sleep for another hour and my legs, my arms and my chest start itching. So dear readers, if I don't make any sense today, it's because I am going on 3 hours of sleep trying to recover from the mystery hives while bbq-ing at my brother's for Pioneer Day.

Ugh...what a day it has been so far. I've worked 6 days this week just to make up for the lack of hours I've worked in the past 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be short on my rent for August. Hopefully, I'll come out with enough money. idk. I suppose I just need a new job where they aren't going to short my hours regardless of the availability of projects and seats.

I'd really like to sleep right now, but I know if I take a nap, there's a snowball's chance in hell that I'll be able to get some decent sleep tonight. This whole week has been a little ended up with me a little discombobulated. Ha...I don't think I've ever used the word "discombobulated" in a sentence before. It makes me chuckle...haha.

Uhm...let's see, what else has been happening? My sister lives in Utah, again. I'm way excited for school to start up again. Having a terrible job will do that to you though. Oh! I've been playing tennis at least twice a week with a few people from my ward. It's been sooooo fun! I'm pretty proud of my tennis racket callouses that are forming on my hands. I heart tennis. A lot.

My pumpkins and zucchini have finally decided to bloom. They're late bloomers that's for sure. I think I planted them a little late, so that'd explain their shyness. But I'm excited to have pumpkins and zucchini this fall. Hopefully, they'll both be prolific. I'd really like at least 1 nice juicy pumpkin for Halloween/Thanksgiving. If I get another one, then I'll be super happy. I'm going to try and make pumpkin pie out of at least one hopeful pumpkin for Thanksgiving and some confectionery goodness with the second hopeful pumpkin (i.e. pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread). I'm hoping that my zucchini will kick into action soon so I can at least grill one on the barbie before the summer is out and then freeze the rest to make zucchini bread and goulash. Yum....I love zucchini in stew and goulash. I'm almost looking forward to cooler weather just so I can cook and make the house smell good.

My brain is wanting to turn off right now, so I think I'll humor it and watch a little t.v. and do some proper vegging out.



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