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For the Love...

So, I think I have the best roommates ever. I've had very few unlovable roommates in the past, for which I am grateful. I am thankful that I have been blessed with wonderful roommates. I've been able to talk with them, share laughs with them, talk about boys with them....all in all, we've been having a fabulous summer together. Tonight, my roommate Alicia and I went to go play tennis with a few people from the ward. We have little "clubs" that meet once a week just to have the chance to hang out and get to know each other outside of church and FHE. Today is Cardio Club Treat Thursdays. Wednesdays are Game Nights. Tuesdays are kind of unofficial. Tuesdays are usually Temple Tennis Treat Tuesday but I don't know how many people know about that one. Anyway, tonight, as per usual, we played tennis. We love tennis in our ward...and soccer. The boys love dodge ball, but the girls stopped playing with the boys ever since Kara got knocked unconscious.

Anyhow, I digress. I love that I have people to hang out with during the week instead of feeling like the cliques have taken over and invite people only when they think about it. I LOVE togetherness. I think it's so hard to do that in BYU wards or any other student/singles wards that are close to campus because there are so many people. I like my quaint ward. We may be small in numbers, but I think it just gives us a fighting chance to get to know each other and become friends instead of feeling like numbered livestock going to the meat market to get sent off to the gate of marriage is your only way out. Which, I guess it technically is, but honestly, I haven't heard a single talk about marriage in my ward. There are very few talks about dating and I appreciate that.

My roommate, Meikka and her sister Heather, came up with this club called The Cycle of Awesomeness and Respect. The only person that I can think of that fits this description, without having to get into lengthy descriptions of who may be in this club, is Moroni from the Book of Mormon (duh). Our post boy for The Cycle of Awesomeness and Respect is our friend Mike. He, is without the doubt, one of the most amazing guys that I know. I mean, seriously, it'd be hard to find someone to knock him out of first position. I mean, aside from Moroni, because let's face it, he is pretty up there on the awesomeness scale. Anyhow, Mike is just one of those guys who is sincere no matter what. When he's complimenting someone, he means it. He isn't fake and he includes everyone regardless of how annoying they might be. And trust me, we have at least one person who drive any normal person nutty. I'd totally marry him. If cloning weren't so controversial, I'd clone Mikey, an older version anyhow. All in all, I suppose that we all have a soft spot for him because he makes us want to become better. To rise to the occasion, so to speak. There are a few guys in our ward that fit the, we have an awesome ward. There are a few "tee-ha-ha's" that drive me nutso though.

*Side note: a tee-ha-ha is a giggly little girl who giggles a lot when she flirts with boys. Normally, she's 18-20 years old and has an intense interest for returned missionaries, which may or may not be listed as one of her interests on her Facebook page. Not all girls listed in that age group fit this description, but it's pretty darn close. /side note*

I suppose I shouldn't be so judgmental. I'm sure I was one of those girls who fawned over the RM's. My views on boys has definitely changed. Blerg...flirting is so overrated. There should be a flirting guide for those who are nearing 30 years old. Ha, remember that line from 13 Going on 30? "I want to be 30, flirty, and fabulous." I get a kick out of that movie and Mark Rufalo is a foxy, foxy man.

Oy...I'm babbling.

So, here is your random, mid-month post. I babbled a lot today. I'm good at that. In 13 hours, I am headed to Park City for the weekend to bond with my ward sisters. There will be much fun to be had. Delicious food to consume, pools to be waded in, and spiritual learning to be learned.

Aren't you jealous? =)


Laura said…
So where are you now? Text me and tell me!

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