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What do you do at 1am?

Actually, don't answer could come down to a case of TMI. Anyway, here is what I do at 1am when procrastination and stress and lots of things on my mind combine to ensue in a touch of insomnia. I stole this from a friend who stole it from a friend who did a longer version of what I'm about to do. It's a list of me! I pretty much heart lists. Seriously. Grocery lists and I are friends. Anyhow, here is my list of 40 things and if you feel the need to do something superfluous to break up your day, I hereby tag YOU.*Here's a slight stipulation: try and come up with something we already don't know about you. Something that the blog-o-sphere doesn't even know. You don't have to get over personal or anything, because, well, people need a little mystery in their lives. Gracias!*

1. When I'm old and have settled into my career, I want to end up in some small coastal town on the Pacific Ocean where I can sit on the beach and watch the sunset while I eat my dinner or read a book. A particularly beautiful sunset has been known to make me cry.

2. I LOVE nature. If I could have the best of both worlds, I would somehow push Utah closer to the ocean so I could have the mountains, beautiful canyons and wildflowers AND have the ocean, like, right there. Although, I could do without the snow.

3. Snow is the bane of my existence. I think it's pretty to watch fall when it's the big, fluffy kind and I'm inside all cozy with my Lemon Zinger tea and it's nighttime. In my ideal world, snow would not exist on the roads or sidewalks. Leave it on the lawn, in the trees, on roofs - because really, it's quite picturesque - but I hate walking and driving in it. Snow makes the bottom of my pants soggy which makes my pants slide down. AND snow melts and when it ices over, it makes me want to curse.

4. I LOVE libraries. The most beautiful libraries I've seen have only been in pictures. I want to go to the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian - which technically isn't a library, I know! - and as many old libraries in Europe as I can. I love how the old books smell and how my heart races at the thought of how much information is literally at my finger tips. My most favorite library to date: The New York City Public Library. The one with the huge lion statues outside of it. *Thank you Sarah Creviston Lee for taking me with you.* I guess that kind of bleeds over to my affinity for museums. Any kind of museum. Although the Natural History museum at BYU kind of freaks me out. There's something unsettling about taxidermy-ed animals that gets to me. But I do enjoy the rocks and fossils...

5. I absolutely love traveling. I love it so much that I want to write about it when I grow up. And food. I want to write about traveling and food. I just have to come up with a way to get paid for writing about both of those things.

6. I don't talk very much. So I blog. Seriously. When I type these blogs out, I share SO much more than I would normally if I were to just talk it all out. Blogging for me is quite therapeutic and it lets me get everything out. Which reminds me, I need to start a personal journal somewhere online and update my paper journal for posterity.

7. Here are some smells that I love: freshly mowed grass at night, lilacs, the salty sea air mixed with coconut scented tanning oil, Utah Lake in the winter - before it gets all nasty, the drive to West Mountain in the summer. I love going to small farming communities in Utah and driving through them with the window down because the smell of them during the summer reminds me of home.

8. I want a VW bus when I get old. There's just something homey and idyllic about them to that reminds me of a simpler time.

9. Along with that VW bus, I want long flowing hair. When I'm an old lady and my hair has turned completely white, I want long hair. Actually, I wouldn't mind having long hair right now. It seems to me that all the books that I've ever read, I've used my imagination to conjure up images of the elderly female characters with long flowing white hair. It seems romantic to me. And I just realized, I may be a hippy a heart. Hm...

10. I am a romantic at heart. I am sometimes overly sensitive. I openly cry at church. I worry for people that I don't know. I am sentimental and can be quite sappy sometimes. Take your pick. I've been all of these things.

11. I drink water. A lot of water. I drink so much water that I've been known to get up during a visiting lecturer's lecture to go use the bathroom. It drives my professors nutty. But hey, water is a building block of life, right? We all need it.

12. I can be quite silly sometimes. This usually happens when my sister is around and my inhibitions are very much closer to zero.

13. I quite literally walk everywhere I go. Mostly because I have to. Mostly because I don't have a car. But I don't mind. I like walking. It gives me nice legs. Wanna see?

14. I enjoy grocery shopping, but I hate shopping for clothes. I enjoy perusing the aisles of bookstores for HOURS but I grow quite agitated when I shop with people who don't know what they want.

15. I used to have a killer overhand volleyball serve. But thanks be to my screwy shoulder, it hurts too much to do it anymore.

16. No more killer overhand volleyball serve = love for BYU men's volleyball.

17. I'm not much for spectator sports, but I do love me some high school sports and some college sports. Mostly volleyball and basketball. I'm not much for football though.

18. Growing up, I never had many "girly" toys. I remember having a Cabbage Patch Doll and a My Little Pony, but that's it. I think it was because I always liked playing outside more than anything else.

19. I don't watch a lot of tv which is why I'm pretty much addicted to It's a true godsend for those of us who forget that the tv actually works.

20. I love flowers. Mostly lilacs and tulips and peonies.

21. I LOVE gardening, but I kind of hate having to weed. Although, weeding is pretty therapeutic sometimes.

22. I love watering the lawn by hand. It gives me time to think and I love the way the grass smells after it's been watered.

23. My favorite colors used to be very, VERY girly. They were pink and purple once upon a time. But now, my favorite colors are yellow, green and blue. Weird huh?

24.I am a big advocate for buying local food. Maybe it's the romantic in me, but there's some sort of satisfaction from growing or raising something from nothing and then consuming the products thereof.

25. Which, I guess, would explain my love for Farmer's Markets. Growing up, I lived, quite literally, within blocks of the local Farmer's Market. I loved it! The smells, the produce, the animals, the eggs, the sense of community. I guess all of that would also explain my idyllic sense of everything else about life.

26. When I grow up, I also want to have a farm co-op so I can have fresh milk and eggs. Raw milk is quite honestly the best stuff on earth. My stomach doesn't hurt when I drink fresh milk, which in and of itself, is a miracle.

27. I love that my mom taught me to appreciate what I have. I know I probably whine about things more than I should on my dear blog, but I really do appreciate what I have. There's nothing like going without a job for a while and then suddenly getting one over spring break to quite literally break you out of the funk you were in for a long time. Seriously.

28. I have seasonal depression. It sucks. Sunshine is the cure for almost all of my emotional funks.

29. I'm a big believer for being outside. Which explains why I forget to watch the tv shows that I like. Well, either that or I'm at work. But still, I think people should be outside as much as possible. People aren't meant to be inside all the time. Well, expect for when it's snowing. I hate snow...but we've discussed this already.

30. I don't know if I updated about this, but my dad doesn't have the cancerous mass on his kidney anymore and is actually, down 1 kidney. Which makes me a big believer in 2 more things: prayer and cancer screenings. Cancer screenings are so so so important.

31. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I follow Him in faith. I believe that God answers our prayers. I believe that He speaks to our Prophet today, President Monson. I believe that Joseph Smith did see God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. I believe.

32. My faith is more important to me than anything else on this earth. It's what kept me going when my mom died and it keeps me going today. The next most important thing in my life is my family. I love my family.

33. As much as I love my family though, I am not meant to live with any one sibling, especially older siblings, for extended amounts of time. Except for maybe my sister. But she's younger. I love my sister. I'm so happy that I have one...ha...and only one. Can you imagine the drama if there were more than just the 2 of us sisters? Geez.

34. I like best friends. Those people I can easily confide in. Who make me feel comfortable enough to confide in and who are comfortable enough to confide in me. I have my "hang out" and "let's go to dinner" friends and they are nice to have. But I love that I have best friends in whom I can confide in. *Side note: Best friends, I have a doozy of a secret. It's kind of breaking my spirit and someday, when I'm not so crazy over it, I'll tell you. Ice cream may need to happen.*

35. This may seem weird, but I pretty much sleep with the window open 365 days of the year. I love sleeping in the cold. Unless, my room is obscenely cold without the window open, I just shut my heater vent. at the purple house. *Laura, I totally closed my vents and put pillows on them the first night you and Lani were gone for the holidays. Basement ghosts suck!* LOLFR

36. I heart music. I'm a big fan of singing loudly and off-key in the car, the shower...anywhere really.

37. I believe in car dancing. Sometimes you've just gotta move your body when a really good song comes on. And I love watching other people car dance when I'm on the bus in the late afternoon/evenings. I'm pretty sure car dancing is a great stress reliever.

38. I LOVE the swings at Nilson's Grove Park in Orem. It's the park down the street from Wal Mart by the roundabout. Those swings have many, many good memories for me. And during the summer, you must swing on these swings with a small Slurpee purchased from Raj at the 7-11 on University Ave and 500 North in Provo.

39. My most favorite workout song is Bringing Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake. My next top favorite is Single Ladies by Beyonce.

40. I have a crush on a certain Geology professor. I guess I just have a thing for really smart, tall guys. More often than not, they're nerdy. idk. There's just something about smart nerdy guys that do it for me.



Annie said…
This is great! I might do this type of list on my blog (after your unofficial tag). :) I love love love the smell of lilacs, too...and I have five sisters, which equals a lot of drama (but also a lot of love)! P.S. So glad to hear you got a new job!

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