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Hungry Little Caterpillar

Dang it...there was a thread of hope that class would get out 20 minutes early. While the option of not having to come to class one day because of completing a lesson early is really appealing right now, I am hungry enough that I can't pay attention. Well, I haven't really been paying attention all semester. Obviously, since I'm writing this post in class.

I guess missing 2 classes has put me behind....oh well.

Anyhow, I've been wanting to work at a summer camp or day camp so I can say that I did something exciting with my summer. Plus, summer camps usually pay pretty good money.

APRIL 06, 2010

Apparently, I forgot about this unfinished post that I started 5 days ago. My affinity for anything blog like has waned the past couple days. That can be explained away with a few simple explanations that I do not care to explain or even divulge.

Anyway, I left off with wanting to work at a summer or day camp this summer. I found a pretty good day camp down in Provo working with mentally and physically handicapped kids that pays pretty decent. I'm turning my application in tomorrow with the hopes that I'll be able to interview right there and then. Provo isn't that far away or anything, but it'd be easier just to charm the socks off 'em right away rather than wait and explore whatever other possibilities are out there. If I do get the job, then I'll be able to take 2 or 3 summer classes and finish the stupid accounting certificate I've been working on and start working on my actual degree. Man...I can go off on school right now. All I'll say right now is that it seems like the past year has been a waste of time considering it's put me a year behind on working on my actual English degree.

Anyhow, I am really not keen on working at Western Wats longer than I have to. While the initial loathing of having to talk to people longer than my usual 3 minute limit, I really, really, REALLY do not want to stay there all summer let alone another month. I've been at the Wats almost a month and honestly, I think I've talked more in the past 3 weeks than I have ever in my whole entire life. It's a lot of talking and people who know me well will probably tell you that while I enjoy being able to carry on a conversation, I am more of a listener than the talker. I hate talking. Well, I rescind, I hate being forced to speak to people that I really don't want to speak to in the first place. I hate being forced to speak to people who, for the most part, don't want to be bothered with seemingly inane questions about politics and whether or not the guy behind the counter at the bank or Kinko's was nice to them. I mean really, out of 100 attempts on any given survey - on a good day, mind you - I can get up to 9 surveys. A mere 9%! The 91% that don't take the survey end up simply hanging up, asking politely to be taken off the calling list, yelling some sort of expletive and then hanging up or just saying - and this has been my favorite so far - "You sound like you're 15. Are you allowed to work there?"

Anyway, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I am again on the prowl for a new place to live. For reasons that I mentioned that I am not willing to divulge let alone the fact that my blog is accessed by family members, I need a new place to live. I need a new place to live. As much as I love my nieces, grown siblings should not have to live with each other for more than a year. Unless you're my sister. I've enjoyed living with my sister. I suppose that's enough of what I'm going to say about why I want to move. Well okay I will concede this small part of information: I am happier when I don't have to pay $400 for rent. I am happier when I am free to do what I want. I am happier when I live closer to my friends. I am happier when I don't have to answer to anyone but myself. I am happier when I don't have to feel bad for not being able to pay the exorbitant amount in rent that is required of me because I had to go to the doctor for a liver test or pay my cell phone bill or get my prescriptions refilled. I am happier when it doesn't take me more than an hour to get to school in the mornings. Suffice it to say, I am just unhappy right now. I love being in school and I am grateful that I have a job now after being unemployed for so long and I'm grateful that I had a place to live after I got laid off from my last job. I just need to live my life on my own terms and not up to the expectations of some older sibling that doesn't know what I think about the whole situation let alone even care.

*sigh* So maybe that was more emotion than I really cared to share here in such a public forum but it has been pent up inside my heart and soul that it probably needed to come out anyhow. So seriously, if any of you know of a clean, inexpensive place that I can rent for no more than $300, I'd be much obliged. Ideally, it'd be right around the $250 or less range plus a non-coin operated washer and dryer. Mostly because I hate coin-ops. You have to watch your stuff like a hawk lest your stuff gets dumped out onto the floor or stolen. So yes. Keep your lovely eyes peeled for me, please and I'll love you forever. :) Oh, just as an FYI, I really don't care about the other amenities. Well, other than the option of having my own room. Actually, that's not really an option. I NEED my own room. Almost 29 year old's should NOT have to share a room. Unless they are married, which I am not. So yes, here's the criteria: clean, inexpensive (ideally $250 or less), private room, washer and dryer in the house/apartment/condo/townhouse/basement, and maybe even a twin sized bed. The bed is really negotiable, but it'd be nice to have.

Phew...I have so much on my mind, but this was a little bit of a stress reliever. I am wasting away my precious sleeping hours and my eyes are starting to dry out.
Good night, dear reader. Good night.


Laura said…
It amazes me how much you can say when you're typing. I will keep and eye out for you!

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