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Showing posts from March, 2010

Hungry Little Caterpillar

Dang it...there was a thread of hope that class would get out 20 minutes early. While the option of not having to come to class one day because of completing a lesson early is really appealing right now, I am hungry enough that I can't pay attention. Well, I haven't really been paying attention all semester. Obviously, since I'm writing this post in class. I guess missing 2 classes has put me behind....oh well. Anyhow, I've been wanting to work at a summer camp or day camp so I can say that I did something exciting with my summer. Plus, summer camps usually pay pretty good money. APRIL 06, 2010 Apparently, I forgot about this unfinished post that I started 5 days ago. My affinity for anything blog like has waned the past couple days. That can be explained away with a few simple explanations that I do not care to explain or even divulge. Ever. Anyway, I left off with wanting to work at a summer or day camp this summer. I found a pretty good day camp down in Provo workin...

Wii and stuff

My brother got a wii the other day and I played for a while yesterday after work. My arm hurts...I can't believe that wii did that to me! Geez...I must be getting old. Also, as you can tell, I've changed my set up here. I'm not sure what I think about it yet...what do you think? ...that is all. :)

All Blown Up and Stuff...

So, the "family" computer pretty much blew up. The hard-drive fried its own brain on a dare, apparently. So along with all my pictures, my English papers from last semester are now lost. It kind of sucks that I have lost MONTHS of work. Bleh...anyway, it feels like it's been MONTHS since I've been on the internet. Seriously. Who knew that life without home access to the internet would be so...boring. Right now, I've commandeered my brother's laptop to get some blogging out of my system. I've been craving my blog. Not so much Facebook or my email. I can check those from my phone, but my blog. My heck! I've been going through blogging withdrawls like crazy and really, it's only been a couple days since I've been without. Okay. It's really only been 2 days since I've been without internet. Anyway, I really don't have anything to update the blog-o-sphere on. Other than I've recently finished the Matrix trilogy and have watched the n...