Dang it...there was a thread of hope that class would get out 20 minutes early. While the option of not having to come to class one day because of completing a lesson early is really appealing right now, I am hungry enough that I can't pay attention. Well, I haven't really been paying attention all semester. Obviously, since I'm writing this post in class. I guess missing 2 classes has put me behind....oh well. Anyhow, I've been wanting to work at a summer camp or day camp so I can say that I did something exciting with my summer. Plus, summer camps usually pay pretty good money. APRIL 06, 2010 Apparently, I forgot about this unfinished post that I started 5 days ago. My affinity for anything blog like has waned the past couple days. That can be explained away with a few simple explanations that I do not care to explain or even divulge. Ever. Anyway, I left off with wanting to work at a summer or day camp this summer. I found a pretty good day camp down in Provo workin...