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So, I'm doing Lent this year. 40 days of going without....something.
I'm not quite sure what I'm going to give up for the next 6 weeks. But I'm sure it'll
be beneficial. I've come up with a short list of things that I thought that would be good
to give up for lent.
Here's my list:

saying dude and like

I think I may do all three. A friend of mine gave up all carbonation for Lent and she said that it was enlightening. I could do with some enlightenment. It could come in handy with school.

Anyhow, my business computer teacher is trying to figure out why her
Excel sheet tabs aren't showing...she found them. Dang


Laura said…
it took me forever to figure out that love tap meant leave a comment.

For some reason I thought you had to fast for 6 weeks for lent. I want to give up sugar!! when does lent start?
Joyce said…
Lent starts Feb. 17th. Gotta celebrate Mardi Gras the day before. :)

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