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Hobbit home anyone?

I reading my daily read list of blogs and I stumbled upon this post on on Cup of Jo's blog.

A hobbit house!

Isn't it amazing? I've had dreams of living in a hobbit house with the future little family that I'll have someday. A hobbit house. You only see those in Lord of the Rings where everything is fictional, where you find yourself wishing that there were guys that really looked like Aragon or an elf...or maybe that's just me.

Either way. I really want a hobbit house now. There's just something infinitely homey with the way that hobbits live and how their homes look. Who could resist having a huge fireplace to warm everything up? Of course, I'd want a few modern twists like plumbing, flush-able toilets, showers and baths (I think it'd be awesome to take a bath in a hobbit style house), hot water, electricity and maybe a small stove and oven. Actually, that'd be against the hobbit way of life wouldn't it? Maybe I'll just have to start gardening and perfect the art of baking in a kiln as well as dutch oven cooking. I think it'd be fun...although I'm not completely sold on going without a flush-able toilet.

I'll keep dreaming for now though. I may be a total nerd for wanting a hobbit house, but I think it'd be dreamy to live in house like that.

I just need to find an elf or an real-life Aragon to share it with.


Malaina said…
I wouldn't mind finding an Aragon either.

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