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Showing posts from December, 2009

Drum Roll please...

So, I've decided that this year will be the Year of the Learner . I'm obviously still in school, so I'll be taking academic classes with a few little extras thrown in the mix to keep me sane. Here is what my schedule looks like next semester: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Business Communications 8-8:50 AM Personal Health and Wellness 9-9:50 AM (thankfully I don't have this class on Fridays) Personal Finance 10-10:50 AM Monday and Wednesday Institute with Bro. VanDyke Teachings of the Living Prophets from 11 till 12 noon Tuesday and Thursday Financial Accounting 8:30-9:15 AM Business Computer Proficiency 7-8:15 PM Yeah...night class that ends after 8 PM means that I miss Grey's. I'm a little sad about this one, but not really. Thank goodness for! Anyhow, you may be asking yourself why I'm taking more business and accounting classes considering I'm an English major. Well, ever since I could remember, I've been working some sort of retail. Mostly c...

All things in life can be linked to Glee

...or something like that. I've been linking things to Friends and Gilmore Girls a lot lately so I figured I might as well add Glee to my repertoire. If you haven't watched any episodes of Glee, you're missing out. Sure, it's about a high school glee club, but it's actually pretty funny and the actors are cute to boot (especially Mr. Schue and Puck and Finn and "the other Asian" as he was referred to in one of the episodes. I don't actually remember the "other" Asian's name but he's a really good dancer and really cute and also a football player on the show). I'm also a big Kurt fan. He's such a good singer. They're all amazing singers, but Kurt is just...well, amazing! Anyhow, on to my point. This song is my new theme song for the year 2010. Next year will be the year of...something. I haven't thought of a specific thing/activity for 2010. Some people I know in years past have named each year a different activity...


So, it's almost 3 AM on my SEVENTH snowy Christmas in Utah. Man...I can't believe I've been here almost 7 years. I think there should be a time limit on how long people should live in Utah if they aren't from Utah originally. Anyhow, the house is quiet and I just finished catching up on my shows (Glee, mostly), and I got to thinking, "Hey, it's Christmas. You should post something." So, here I be. Christmas. I was thinking tonight while we feasted on tons of food - food that isn't even close to being half eaten through even though there are 6 grown people in my house right now - and then washing ALL the dishes myself, I was thinking that I can't wait to have my own place. A place of my own where I can go to somewhere else for the holidays and not worry about washing dishes that are only brought out twice a year, if that. I was also thinking that this Christmas kind of sucks because my siblings are all over the place except with each other. Holidays...


*I read that today was Glee's last show for the season and that they won't be airing till well into the new year after tonight's show. *The last 2 weeks of school has cut into my sleep by at least 60%. Friday is a study day, but I think I may be sleeping in till at least 9 AM. *I officially hate math. Well, it was official before today, but after the math test I took this morning, I hate it even more than before. Seriously, when am I going to use the Pythagorean Theory in my every day life? *When I'm tired, I can't spell or use grammar either.'s almost 9 PM...I think I'll be calling it a night very soon.... after I watch an episode of Gilmore Girls. They sure know how to soothe a girl's weary soul. *My nephew was born a week ago yesterday! This is HUGE news because, well, after SIX nieces, I am very ready to play with Legos and train sets instead of Barbies and babies that cry. Ok, well, I'm really not in the mood to do a real post right now...