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Drum Roll please...

So, I've decided that this year will be the Year of the Learner. I'm obviously still in school, so I'll be taking academic classes with a few little extras thrown in the mix to keep me sane. Here is what my schedule looks like next semester:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Business Communications 8-8:50 AM
Personal Health and Wellness 9-9:50 AM (thankfully I don't have this class on Fridays)
Personal Finance 10-10:50 AM

Monday and Wednesday Institute with Bro. VanDyke
Teachings of the Living Prophets
from 11 till 12 noon

Tuesday and Thursday
Financial Accounting 8:30-9:15 AM
Business Computer Proficiency 7-8:15 PM

Yeah...night class that ends after 8 PM means that I miss Grey's. I'm a little sad about this one, but not really. Thank goodness for!

Anyhow, you may be asking yourself why I'm taking more business and accounting classes considering I'm an English major. Well, ever since I could remember, I've been working some sort of retail. Mostly cashiering, which isn't a bad job, I just hate the grumpy customers who throw a fit whenever they come a day late for 1/2 off Wednesday Drink Day.
So to bring about a means to an end,

I'm currently pursuing both my bachelor's and a

Certificate of Accounting.

Which equals more job skill in the retail world or any service oriented business that requires someone to do payroll or cook their books (not really. i'll be ethical...promise!).

Plus, it's only 29.5 credits which will transfer to the university of my choice which is
far, far, far away from Utah.

Okay...its really only 2 time zones away on the eastern seaboard. It'll fulfill my affinity for
actual seasons rather than cold that pretty much melts into hot. Although, I will
miss the mountains. I love me some mountains and beautiful canyon drives.

Anyhow, during the summer, I'll be taking a few more accounting and business classes so I can take the executive lecture series next fall and then I'll be done with the certificate. Since the lecture series is only half a credit, I'll be starting on my core classes that I'll need for my bachelors and a beginning photography class.

*Attention photogs: I am in search of a 35 mm manual film camera for said photography class. So if any of you know of any amazing camera deals, I'd be much obliged.*

Other than being an academic for the years to come after the Year of the Learner, I need some other things to learn about. I'll be living, breathing, making anything that I learn. I want to learn about pretty much anything that will stretch me.
If it's crafty, it's for me.
If it's an autobiography about famous or obscure people, things,'s for me.
I enjoy cooking, so if you have any cool recipes that you want to share, then by all means,
let the sharing begin!


Laura said…
check out the pawn shops for camera's!

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