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School and stuff...

School. Need I say more? I mean seriously. So far this weekend, I have spent hours upon hours researching whether or not consumers would change their shopping habits if they knew how poorly sweatshop employees were being treated. Let me tell you, most people would care about it, but really? There's no way for an individual consumer to change those policies that affect those poor people in sweatshops. I mean yeah, you could go shop at American Apparel or People Tree - who is based in the UK - but when I went to price some of their stuff out, some of it was pretty expensive. More money than I would spend on clothes for myself.

*Side note on American Apparel: Your marketing tactics make me throw up. Half dressed girls are not going to make me want to buy your shiz even if its ethically made and/or super inexpensive. If I can see the girl's butt or even bare boobs whilst perusing your website, I don't want to buy it. I'm sorry to those who read my blog and buy their clothing. I'm sorry if this offends you. I'm sure you're nice and you don't go around wearing their clothes with your boobies unsupported for all the world see your nips. Still...sure some of their clothing is nice, but on the whole, I'd rather not buy something American made if the model is naked. Its not appealing to me. A lot of their marketing tactics bother me but I'm not going to comment on it*

So, I've been learning a lot about sweatshops and their influence on the everyday consumer. Affluence is the key, it seems, to get the word out on how these sweatshops are really operating. Its like Al Gore and the whole global warming thing.

Anyway, I've also been learning a lot about business practices and stuff in my business class. I actually enjoy that class. Its pretty basic business stuff that I'm sure you don't want to know about. My hospitality class drives me bananas. It's such an easy class and I don't really like going to it, but unfortunately, we get attendance points. Thus far, I can tell you all about the history of gambling and casinos which includes riverboat casinos which instantly reminded me of Mark Twain and his Huck Fin and Jim. So yeah, if you want to know about gambling and casinos, just ask me and I can give you a run down.

My English class totally rocks. The research project on sweatshops is for this class which is a total bummer because I'm growing tired of the subject already. If I ever do a thesis, remind me to not pick consumers and sweatshops. I'm pretty sure I have an A in this class. That's what I'm hoping for anyway. This research project just might kill me though. My 3 article double-entry noted assignment that I haven't finished yet that is due tomorrow is worth 200 points. Really. It just might do me in. other classes are ok. My computer class is so boring! I don't even have to really try in that class and I already have an A++++++. Ok, maybe not that many pluses, but I do have an A+. My math class will be the doom that will kick my GPA in the pants. I have a mid-C. I just have to do well enough on this last test and the final and I can move on to the next math class. Just an FYI to all of you: I hate math! I will never need to know the exact product of the square root of 23. Never.

Anyway, today is my brother's 33rd birthday, so to him, Feliz Cumpleanos hermano!

Back to my stupid double-entry notes...


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