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The First Noel...

Yes, it is true. I am presently making my Christmas playlist. I figure there's less than a week till Thanksgiving and it's well after Halloween, therefore, I am allowed. :)

In other news, this is my 100th entry! Yay me!

Also, in more news, I think I'm lactose intolerant. I ate 2 slices of pizza for dinner tonight and my stomach was not happy. Which makes me not happy because I am constantly going downstairs to my bathroom to...yeah. So for all of you veggies, vegans, lactose intolerant fellow beings, or people who just don't drink regular pasteurized cow milk: is rice milk a good replacement? I'm not completely sold on the whole soy milk thing yet. Especially after the Jeremey Piven soy milk/man boob debacle I just don't know. I mean, being a girl and all, I don't have to worry about soy milk giving me breasts, I just don't really like the taste. So rice milk? I already like rice milk without adding sugar or other flavorings.

So what's worth eating/drinking real milk? Let me give you a list:
*Oreos - it's truly un-American to eat an Oreo without at least a little bit of milk to dunk it in.
*chocolate milk
*ice cream
*strawberry shakes from In-n-Out. The shakes are just about the only good thing they serve.
*cheddar cheese (especially on my turkey sandwiches)
*chocolate anything
*strawberry shmear for my bagels

Those are the only reasons I can think of . Even chocolate isn't really high on my willing to suffer a tummy ache/multiple bathroom breaks list. Although, give me chocolate covered strawberries, raisins, bananas or whatever fruit that can be covered by chocolate, I'd be willing to suffer the tummy ache for that.

Anyhow, I have to get back to my research paper on sweatshops and consumers. Not a very interesting topic once I did more research on it. The more I did research on sweatshops and idiot consumers, the more I found that while I cared about human race as a whole, there's no way that these poor people of China, Indonesia, India or even L.A. would give up a crappy wage by America's terms to be thrusted back to where they were before. I mean yeah, work conditions could be a lot better. Those issues should be addressed for sure. But in a developing country where there are literally thousands, if not millions of people in abject poverty, making an equivalent to $1.3o in American dollars is like middle class bordering on I could be rich someday for them.

I could keep going on, but I think could be too much of a soapbox issue for me. So I'm just going to write the paper and hope that my English professor will give me an A on it. :)

P.S. Listen to Collbie Caillat's Mistletoe for a little added Christmas spirit!
P.P.S. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

*Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving courtesy of Food and the Public Life*


Malaina said…
Soap box issues are cool :) I think you'll get an A on your paper- I'd give you an A if I was your teacher.

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