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Showing posts from November, 2009

The First Noel...

Yes, it is true. I am presently making my Christmas playlist. I figure there's less than a week till Thanksgiving and it's well after Halloween, therefore, I am allowed. :) In other news, this is my 100th entry! Yay me! Also, in more news, I think I'm lactose intolerant. I ate 2 slices of pizza for dinner tonight and my stomach was not happy. Which makes me not happy because I am constantly going downstairs to my bathroom to...yeah. So for all of you veggies, vegans, lactose intolerant fellow beings, or people who just don't drink regular pasteurized cow milk: is rice milk a good replacement? I'm not completely sold on the whole soy milk thing yet. Especially after the Jeremey Piven soy milk/man boob debacle I just don't know. I mean, being a girl and all, I don't have to worry about soy milk giving me breasts, I just don't really like the taste. So rice milk? I already like rice milk without adding sugar or other flavorings. So what's worth eating/...

School and stuff...

School. Need I say more? I mean seriously. So far this weekend, I have spent hours upon hours researching whether or not consumers would change their shopping habits if they knew how poorly sweatshop employees were being treated. Let me tell you, most people would care about it, but really? There's no way for an individual consumer to change those policies that affect those poor people in sweatshops. I mean yeah, you could go shop at American Apparel or People Tree - who is based in the UK - but when I went to price some of their stuff out, some of it was pretty expensive. More money than I would spend on clothes for myself. *Side note on American Apparel: Your marketing tactics make me throw up. Half dressed girls are not going to make me want to buy your shiz even if its ethically made and/or super inexpensive. If I can see the girl's butt or even bare boobs whilst perusing your website, I don't want to buy it. I'm sorry to those who read my blog and buy their clothin...

Is it meant to be??

So, I was reading one of the blogs I follow today before I started my serious effort to catch up on my homework and I came upon this particular post . Check out the name of the bride-to-be and where she grew up. My gran and my parents used to take us kiddies to Griffith Park all the time when we were little. Coincidence?