Yes, it is true. I am presently making my Christmas playlist. I figure there's less than a week till Thanksgiving and it's well after Halloween, therefore, I am allowed. :) In other news, this is my 100th entry! Yay me! Also, in more news, I think I'm lactose intolerant. I ate 2 slices of pizza for dinner tonight and my stomach was not happy. Which makes me not happy because I am constantly going downstairs to my bathroom to...yeah. So for all of you veggies, vegans, lactose intolerant fellow beings, or people who just don't drink regular pasteurized cow milk: is rice milk a good replacement? I'm not completely sold on the whole soy milk thing yet. Especially after the Jeremey Piven soy milk/man boob debacle I just don't know. I mean, being a girl and all, I don't have to worry about soy milk giving me breasts, I just don't really like the taste. So rice milk? I already like rice milk without adding sugar or other flavorings. So what's worth eating/...