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Gratitude and Blessings

So, I wanted to update on my little challenge of rededicating myself to putting the Lord first in my life. Just to warn you, my eyes are burning right now from lack of sleep, but this oddly ties into this blog.

Monday, I started after my institute class and I told myself, "Self, you will do this challenge. You need to do this challenge to remind yourself that the Lord is there for you." So, I did. I started immediately after my institute class. I had 2 hours left and 2 institute classes to attend so I figured that I'd read my scriptures before my English class after institute. I read my scriptures and said a quick prayer that I'd do well on my English quiz. We didn't have the quiz. Which I guess was sort of a blessing in disguise and a clue that I should study for said quiz. I didn't of course. Anyway, I digress. Monday, we ended up writing a sample paper on happiness so that the Professor could tell if we're plagiarizing any future papers. Tuesday rolls around and I do set my little routine in motion for the mornings so I don't forget to do it. Miraculously, I have enough energy to get to through school and through work. I was gone from 6:45am to almost 8pm and my body felt it by the time I got home. But I was alert and focused all day with minimal breaks and food. Wednesday rolls around and I get to school no problem. I'm able to focus still and learn. Thursday happens and Friday happens.

Let me tell you about Wednesday. The English quiz finally happened. I thought I had totally aced it. Most of the class failed miserably. Today when we graded it in class, I realized that maybe getting good grades wasn't going to be my personal blessing that Heavenly Father has in store for me. Maybe it's going to be that I'm able to lose 3o lbs by the end of the semester or learn valuable study skills in the course of going to my classes or even being able to figure out what I'm actually supposed to do with my life. Good grades just might not be part of the blessing. It could be, but it just might not.

Anyway, in first week of doing this challenge, I've been able to get enough sleep which in turn has helped me stay focused during school and work. I've been able to get all my homework done, aside from 4 chapters that I need to read, before the due dates. I've been more cheerful, actually. On the other hand, all the hours of sleep I did miss this week, have mysteriously shown up today. It's a blessing that my body didn't need the sleep, or even really miss it, till the weekend started. A long blissful weekend. That, for me, is a blessing especially since my usual hours of sleep are pared down a little during the school week.

I've been so grateful that I've been able to work on this for myself. In turn, I've been a little more apt to help other people or even have a ready smile for customers. I'll be doing this challenge until it becomes habit. It hasn't been habit for a long time now so I'll be happy that I don't have to constantly remind myself that it needs to get done before my day begins and after my day has ended.

Anyway, that's my little tid bit. Personally, I like writing - 0r typing in this case - things down that will remind myself that I don't have to be perfect. It'll be like an "ah ha" moment in reverse, I suppose. Like when you go back and read old journal entries, you think to yourself, "Man, I already made this mistake. What did I do before that helped me overcome this problem?" I love those moments. it's only 10:14pm and I'm ready to conk out. I'm seriously so tired. Thank heavens for long weekend!


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