I am a fan of lists. Seriously. I enjoy making grocery lists, to-do lists, list of names that are unique and that I like, lists for things to spend my leftover pell grant and stafford monies on, lists for things I want to accomplish in my life. You get the picture. I heart lists. Confession: I'm a type B personality wanting to be organized.
*Watching scary movies are much less scary when turned down and with the subtitles on. They are also much easier to tolerate when other people are watching it with you.
*I dyed my hair back to its natural color. No more summery highlights for the rest of the season. Its a little weird seeing myself in the mirror with super black hair.
*School starts in 5 days. I'm slightly nervous but I'm more excited than anything else.
*I spent the majority of my unemployment check on totally useless stuff this week. Well, I did buy school supplies. But most of it was totally useless.
*When I grow up, I want a bathroom with one of those freestanding tubs with claw feet and a cute shower curtain.
*I spend far too much time browsing through blogs and magazines wishing I was half as creative and cool.
*Watching travel shows will inevitably make you want to find a cute Scottish husband and move to Europe permanently. Like him...

This blog has taken me far too long to write and I must go to bed or I will miss my niece's first soccer meet of the season.
*Watching scary movies are much less scary when turned down and with the subtitles on. They are also much easier to tolerate when other people are watching it with you.
*I dyed my hair back to its natural color. No more summery highlights for the rest of the season. Its a little weird seeing myself in the mirror with super black hair.
*School starts in 5 days. I'm slightly nervous but I'm more excited than anything else.
*I spent the majority of my unemployment check on totally useless stuff this week. Well, I did buy school supplies. But most of it was totally useless.
*When I grow up, I want a bathroom with one of those freestanding tubs with claw feet and a cute shower curtain.
*I spend far too much time browsing through blogs and magazines wishing I was half as creative and cool.
*Watching travel shows will inevitably make you want to find a cute Scottish husband and move to Europe permanently. Like him...
This blog has taken me far too long to write and I must go to bed or I will miss my niece's first soccer meet of the season.