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something something Algebra something something Biology

*Yeah, there's a song with subjects that you'd study in school, but I can't quite remember the words other than Algebra and Biology.

*I filed my FAFSA but I can't remember my password to apply to my Pharmacy Tech program. When did I ever get a password?? I don't remember getting a password...geez.

*It stresses me out that I can't apply yet. I have to wait at least 6 more days to apply to the program. Other stresses: money (duh!), application fee (more money stress!! : /), my job (I need a new one which is a whole 'nother stress in and of itself!) and a crying child who would not go to sleep on her own without me holding her. *ETA: She's asleep now. Thank God!*

*I can't believe I missed Grey's tonight! Argh! Just when I was all caught up, basically, I totally spaced that it was on tonight. Considering I haven't watched tv in a very long time, I forget that its actually there and that I can watch at my own viewing pleasure. Geez...

*My weight is still going down but not as fast as I would like it. I have to talk to a Diabetes Educator something or other to come up with meal plans and whatever. The 9 hour class is $427 big ones. Yeah. Laaaaaaammmmmmmmmmee! That's all I have to say about that. Well, the cheap pre-diabetes class is bascially the same but not really. So I guess I'll just have to do the gist of it class and not the stupid $427 class. Lame. Lame. Lame. Lame. Lame. Healthcare is freaking expensive and its lame. Get the picture? Lame.

*My niece Cielo's birthday is tomorrow. My niece Ysabel's birthday was yesterday. My dad's birthday is next week and mine is the week after that. Lots of birthdays. Oh yeah, and Jesus' birthday is on Sunday.

*I'm tired.


Annie said…
I have wonderful news for you: Grey's isn't new until the end of April, so you didn't miss an episode last night! (I guess that's kind of bittersweet news, eh?)

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