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Rumble tumbly tummy

I decided to take magnesium citrate to clean out the grooves of my intestines. I knew what would happen, but right now, I am not having fun.


I'd eat whatever I want right now just for the shear fact that I know it won't be in my body long enough to do anything, but I hate having to rush to the bathroom after putting anything in my mouth. So after my dinner going, quite literally, right through me, I'm nursing a cup of water waiting to test my blood sugar and take my meds before going to bed.

Which brings me to another update...

I have type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. Its a little scary knowing that if my blood sugar were to get over 200 mg/dl...just the seriousness of the that high number is scary. So far I haven't gone over 200 mg/dl, which is good, but its still high enough where I need to be on medication for my diabetes. I'm also taking Pravachol and Omega 3 fish oil for my cholesterol. The high side of taking the fish oil is that its good for my heart, which cholesterol affects, and is pretty darn great for my skin and joints. The other medication I'm taking for my diabetes is called Metformin. So far, I've learned what I can eat and not eat while taking Metformin. The duh things, like the fried food at my work. Side effects of Metformin are nausea and diarrhea. I've already had a bout with it yesterday, but all is well now. My body is adjusting to the medication.

Blurg...the magnesium citrate kind of makes me want to throw up. I know its not the Metformin because I took that 10 hours ago...or maybe it is? Ugh, I don't know. I'm just tired and I don't want to have to get up to go to the bathroom again.

Anyhow, when I found out for sure I have type 2 diabetes this last Friday, I kind of wanted to cry. I knew that there was a very high risk that I'd have it. My nationality and genetics are at high risk of having diabetes anyway, but also the way I've been living. Not getting enough exercise, eating the wrong foods; it just all added up and bang! I have a type 2 diabetes. I wanted to cry in spite of myself. I knew there was a high risk, but I could have fought it. I just didn't know how.

But I'm glad that my dad pushed me to get tested. He's also helping me out by footing the doctor bills. And thankfully, I can write off what I have payed for on next year's tax stuff. Hopefully I get some of that money back.

Now that I know that I have this disease, I can start reversing it with diet and exercise. I have to up the exercise quite a bit. I need to add weight training exercises and longer walks. I'm going to see how long it takes me to do a 2.5 miles. Maybe around an hour or so I'm guessing. I think I'm going to invest in ankle weights and hand weights to add to my walks. I may also go to the rec center to check out the facilities. I've always liked swimming so I'm going to see if its worth investing in a pass.

Other than the whole medical/health thing, I'm just trying to survive life right now. Well, I did get to go to the Tabernacle to watch conference. The line to get into the Conference Center wrapped around half the Temple so my friend, Devonne, and I sat in the Tabernacle instead. It was a good experience. Although, those benches are really really hard to sit on for 2 hours.

Ok...the end. :-)


Malaina said…
I'm sorry to hear you've got diabetes. At least you are aware and willing to do something to help fix it- are you feeling any better? That intestine cleansing stuff sounds potent.

I'll keep you in my prayers :)
Joyce said…
Feeling about the same as before but still working on fixing things. Thanks Malaina! :)

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