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Babbling brookedness

So in about 37 hours I will officially turn 28 years old. I can't believe that I'm actually saying my age out loud. I used to be afraid of getting older. When I was a teenager, turning 25 was scary and I didn't want it to happen. But now, being 25 wasn't so bad. It was actually a pretty enjoyable year. I am, however, very apprehensive of turning 30. That is a number that I was hoping that would have been staved off for a while longer instead of approaching sooner rather than later.

Anyhow, I wanted to write this birthday blog now because I'm sure I'll forget to blog on my actual birthday. My family in Idaho is coming down this weekend for my brother and future sister in law's Endowment session. Yeah, my little brother is getting married in a week to a lovely girl. I'm glad that he's finally settling down. Man...I am babbling a lot tonight.

Also on my mind:

*Money - as per usual. I have to figure out my school and pell grant situation so I can get things settled.

*School - why is it that I can't register online? I mean really, in this day and age, people should be able to do the impersonal thing and apply, register and pay for all things pertaining to school on the internet. So now I need to drive myself down to Orem and apply and talk to people who may or may not be the brightest bulbs in the pack.

*Work - so I probably shouldn't talk about this on the internet, but I will say this: people who lie, steal and cheat their boss out of hundreds of dollars, then get fired for it and then apply for unemployment and lie to their unemployment case worker person about getting fired are asking for karma to come around and kick them in the heads. Seriously, karma is a b*tch. Remember that kids.

*Money - yes, again. Its always on my mind. Thankfully my dad is helping me pay for my doctor visits. Thankfully I'm getting financial assistance from IHC. My whole payment is almost $55 less! Which is almost HALF of what I owed before the assistance kicked in. Thanks for making me a charity case...well in this case, thanks IHC!

So, I wanted to be a little more reflective on my pre-birthday post. Because I really do have so much to be thankful for. I have an eternal family who, in spite of our follies, are always there for me. I have a body that works, for the most part. So my liver is a little confused on its insulin making responsibilities thus making my body a little confused as to do with the insulin. But it works. I have so many blessings in my life, its great! I may complain about things that are going on, but a few of them are minor inconveniences that in the grand scheme of things, they really don't matter. Only the outcome of what I've done with the experiences is what I'm really banking on.

Anyhow, its late and I have to run a bunch of errands before my family arrives in the evening. Hopefully everything I'm wishing and hoping for my birthday will come close to becoming a reality.


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