So in about 37 hours I will officially turn 28 years old. I can't believe that I'm actually saying my age out loud. I used to be afraid of getting older. When I was a teenager, turning 25 was scary and I didn't want it to happen. But now, being 25 wasn't so bad. It was actually a pretty enjoyable year. I am, however, very apprehensive of turning 30. That is a number that I was hoping that would have been staved off for a while longer instead of approaching sooner rather than later. Anyhow, I wanted to write this birthday blog now because I'm sure I'll forget to blog on my actual birthday. My family in Idaho is coming down this weekend for my brother and future sister in law's Endowment session. Yeah, my little brother is getting married in a week to a lovely girl. I'm glad that he's finally settling down. Man...I am babbling a lot tonight. Also on my mind: *Money - as per usual. I have to figure out my school and pell grant situation so I can get thi...