Ugh, I don't know if I've mentioned that my love/hate relationship with snow. I hate walking in it, driving in it, cleaning up after playing in it. But I love snow that is undisturbed, not driven in. Its pretty. But of course Utahns need to drive everywhere and so the once pretty snow gets dirty and not so pretty anymore.

Anyway, its snowing...again. I was going to be responsible and go pay my phone bill today while perusing the stores of University Mall, but to no avail. Once I woke up, took a shower and had breakfast, I got distracted and at 3:10pm, its snowing and my ambition to be responsible today, is going down the toilet as I watch the snow outside.
So now, I am snacking on a leftover pancake I made this morning wondering if I should just suck it up and go to the mall anyway and just pay my phone bill. The snow is blowing sideways which means the wind is blowing. The wind mixed in with snow is not my friend.
Why did I move to Utah again? I forget...If things were going well in California I would have stayed. Ergo, I would have moved to Utah sooner rather than later because my family lives here...or in Rexburg, land of 8 month winters. I am glad that I have California to look forward to next year. Hopefully this will be my last winter in Utah. Hopefully...I am done with snow for a season and hopefully that season is a couple years.
The snow is coming down pretty well. Looks like my weekend plans are going to be cancelled or postponed. Damn...and I really wanted to have Thai food tonight for dinner. Hopefully work isn't too horrendous tomorrow.
Anyway, its snowing...again. I was going to be responsible and go pay my phone bill today while perusing the stores of University Mall, but to no avail. Once I woke up, took a shower and had breakfast, I got distracted and at 3:10pm, its snowing and my ambition to be responsible today, is going down the toilet as I watch the snow outside.
So now, I am snacking on a leftover pancake I made this morning wondering if I should just suck it up and go to the mall anyway and just pay my phone bill. The snow is blowing sideways which means the wind is blowing. The wind mixed in with snow is not my friend.
Why did I move to Utah again? I forget...If things were going well in California I would have stayed. Ergo, I would have moved to Utah sooner rather than later because my family lives here...or in Rexburg, land of 8 month winters. I am glad that I have California to look forward to next year. Hopefully this will be my last winter in Utah. Hopefully...I am done with snow for a season and hopefully that season is a couple years.
The snow is coming down pretty well. Looks like my weekend plans are going to be cancelled or postponed. Damn...and I really wanted to have Thai food tonight for dinner. Hopefully work isn't too horrendous tomorrow.