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Such a time waster...

1. First Name

2. Last Name (Yeah...kinda hard to Google the last name Hanamaikai and come up with anything other than pictures of other Hanamaikais. This is my brother, Phil)

3. Bad Habit

4. What I did last weekend (...or this weekend)

5. Grandmother's name

6. Past Pet (Her name was Sugar)

7. First Job

8. Dream Job (the description of the picture isn't too clear. He's a food and travel columnist.)

9. My age

10. Where I grew up

11. Past Love (except not this particular Mark. Although, he is very easy on the eyes...)

12. My best friend's nickname

13. Favorite place to be...

14. If I went back to school, I'd become...

14. My favorite place to visit

16. My favorite color

17. My favorite Food

18. My Hero

Now, its your turn! The deal: Google (image) each of the following items, pick your favorite photo from the first two pages of results, and ta da! A brilliant blog post...


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