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Suddenly I see...

Yeah, still going with the song/book/lyric blog titles. Today's title is brought to you by Natasha Beddingfield. That's the only part of the song that I know for sure. The rest of the lyrics I'm just making them up as I go. I know some of the words, but on the whole, I don't know the song very well at all.

Anyway, I find myself tonight stressing out about money. I only got paid 200 big ones today for the past 2 weeks as if I had only put in 30 hours for the pay period. I didn't. I'm pretty darn sure that I put in that many hours in last week alone. If I don't get paid the amount that I need to literally survive, then I'm going to have to get a second job. I probably shouldn't have quit the gas station so soon otherwise I wouldn't be in this predicament. It's stressing me out. I have - scratch that - had 200 bucks to cover my $325 rent, $100 for my phone, at least $60 for my share of the utilities, at the very least $10 for groceries to last more than 2 weeks and don't forget about the $70 for transportation this month. As you can see, I am well over $500 already. I mean sure, my utilities probably wouldn't have been that much anyway considering we only pay for electricity and gas. But still, even with just my rent, phone and transportation for the month, I would have been just over $500. I need a second job! I need the money! I'm sick of putting all these hours and not getting paid.

Bleh...anyway. I just need to reevaluate what I'm doing with myself these days. My dad called me tonight - the second time this week - and it sounds like he wants me to live with him or at least live up there in Rexburg. The weird thing is that I really kind of want to. The jobs suck up there and I'm not too sure about the social life. My sister seems to be living it up, socially at least. Going to school up there wouldn't be so bad. I'd probably go summer/fall when the snow isn't so unbareable.

*sigh* I'm going to hang with my roommates now. At least that's one of the great things in my life: great roommates.


Felisa Love said…
I think dad is lonely. Plus he likes you. haha.

hang in there, sis.

Felisa Love said…
I deleted it. i think i'm just going to combine them.

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