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I can't keep up and I can't back down...

So, I got a notice from UVU saying that I needed to pay the rest of my tuition or else I'll lose my spot in the class I'm currently taking. Problem is I don't have the money to pay the rest of the tuition. I hate that. It looks like that I'm going to drop the class. I hate that even more than not having enough money for school. Its already going to take me forever to get through school. I wish that I had enough viable credits to transfer to BYU-I. If I seriously applied myself for three semesters at 12 credits per session, then I could transfer. Thats a whole year out of my life going without the things that people my age like having. Like Thai food and any sort of entertainment. Ugh. BYU-I does have the program I want to get into and it actually sounds like an excellent program. I'm surprised that it was any good seeing as its BYU and its Idaho. Who knew? I also looked into a Humanities program at Prescott College in Arizona. They're pretty pricey but it looks like you don't even need any sort of SAT/ACT scores to get in. Again, who knew that a little Arizonan town would have a college with any program that I'd be interested in? seems like I can't keep up with anything these days and I hate having to retreat just because of the mere fact that I don't have enough money for my education. I hate that universities gorge their students in tuition and fees. Where's the break in that? Seriously. If the government wanted people to get an education so that they can get better jobs thereby spending more and being taxed more, why don't they help the poor students with matters of money? I really want to finish my education but I can't do anything about it if I can barely pay for my rent and food let alone my phone and other necessities. I'd really like to get my education without taking out any loans. Any bank would be crazy to give me a school loan right now because my credit is basically crap so I'm at the mercy of the government and scholarships. Scholarships that other poor students with no other options are competing for.

I need some sort of education. Even if its just a trade school. Anything would be exponentially better than working retail for the rest of my life. I was talking to a friend and we were discussing school and education. She said that school isn't for everyone. Its a hard thing to do. Yes, you can definitely get ahead in life with a degree but how many Fortune 500 businesses were started by a person who didn't have a college education? Most businesses were started out of necessity or an idea in spite of education. There are so many people out there who don't have the little piece of paper telling them that they devoted years of their life cramming and spending sleepless nights trying to finish a paper that doesn't have anything to do with their major. And they're successful! That's a real kicker. Plus, how many people actually use their majors to go into a field that even uses the knowledge garnered from their education? I know quite a few people who have gotten that piece of paper and are now working at Borders or driving a school bus. Both jobs don't even require a finished high school education! I do fully endorse teenagers finishing high school, don't get me wrong. If I were an employer, an adult who hasn't finished high school wouldn't look so good. Hm...tangent.

*sigh* I want something more than this but I don't know if I have the motivation to finish my college education. Education as a whole is important to me. I love learning. I love reading, researching, applying learned concepts. But how important is that little piece of paper? I can't believe that I'm seriously contemplating quitting school all together. I don't want to, but where am I going to get the money? I don't have anyone supporting me in the way of rent, food or anything else. Sure, I have a family for moral support and a food storage from which I can take a can of 27 year old dehydrated sliced potatoes, but they have families who need to be feed and clothed and my younger siblings are just as poor or poorer than I am. I can't rely on the government to give me the money necessary to pay for my education because I am essentially competing with literally millions of other poor and poorer college students to get a bit of that education money.

Where is the break in that? I don't have parents who can pay for my schooling. My dad has to pay child support and for whatever he needs. I can't ask him for money. My mom is dead so my dad is just by himself, but still. Maybe it's my foolish pride thats getting in the way of asking for the money, but I don't want to be that desparate. For me, the only option is to save money from the jobs that I do and pray that the government takes pity on me. Although, to them, I'm just a number in a sea of poor people looking to upgrade their standard of life via a college education.

My passion is writing. I can even see that now as I blog out my worries and stress about my education. I'm bordering on being anal over my grammar and sentence structure. I'd be an awesome editor, even a writer. But to even be an editor, I need that piece of paper telling my potential employers that I've learned the things necessary to do my job.

I hate not having enough. I never knew how poor I was as a child until I started babysitting and buying some of my own school clothes. It never bothered me though. It still doesn't bother me, but as an adult I shouldn't have to go without the basic necessities of life just because of my education level. Why is life so dictated on the aspect of money? Yes, I can work my butt off at two jobs and still not have enough but no person should bust their balls over what society and the government defines as enough. Man...what is enough? When does it become too much? is dictated by so many things. I just want to live simply. Without pretense of education. I just want to have a good life...except my life is stuck at a plateau without that piece of paper telling people that I'm smarter than they are just because I went to school.

Where is the break in that, huh? Where?


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