I'm listening to one of my roommate's sleep cds. She listens to it when shes in bed trying to, well, go to sleep. I feel completely relaxed right now. Anyway, today was a good day. Went to church. Felt the spirit during sacrament. Got released from being Relief Society pianist which is probably the greatest thing ever right now. I know who they're calling to replace me and apparently she really needs to be needed right now. She broke up with her boyfriend a month ago (?) and I guess its been hard on her. I don't know...but still. I'm down to one calling and feels lovely to be back to normal. People were actually social today at church. Except Blake. I didn't get to talk to him today. He's a different story though. Lynne actually came and sat with Laura and I at Break the Fast after the block. Of course, she had 2 of her "clique" friends with her, but still. I was pleasantly surprised. A friend from back home moved into the ward a couple weeks ago. ...